The Week That Was…

Cadets Face Off for Colour Party Honour

This past Saturday morning, under the watchful eyes of drill instructors and in front of their peers and the Commandant, Squadron teams competed for the honour of forming the College Colour Party for the 2013-2014 academic year. The semi-final round held earlier in the week narrowed the field to 2 Sqn, 3 Sqn, 6 Sqn, and 7 Sqn. These teams went through a course set up in the Field House to simulate the typical routine that a Colour Party must perform in a given parade, marching on the colours, a march past, and so forth.

Squadron supporters watched from the sidelines as the teams were put through their paces. With the teams evenly matched, a single mistake could be costly, and the final results were in doubt right up to the end. After each team had had its shot at the course and the judges had time to deliberate, the standings were in. 6 Sqn won the competition, and will form the new Colour Party beginning with the Sunset Ceremony in May. Behind 6 Sqn came 2 Sqn, 3 Sqn, and 7 Sqn, in that order.

College Commandant, BGen Eric Tremblay, congratulated 6 Sqn on their success. “Committing to be the Colour Party of a unit, especially one that is a national institution and which will celebrate this year 137 years, is a great commitment,” he said. “So be proud. Be proud as you carry the National Flag and the Unit Colour. I am proud of you, and proud to be your Commandant.”


Shakespeare in Combats

Article by 26056 OCdt (III) Aaron Jacques / Écrit par 26056 l’Elof (III) Aaron Jacques 

When Shakespeare first wrote Henry V, his historical play meant to stir up pride among the English in their past kings, he almost certainly never imagined it would take the shape it did this weekend. Transferring the main conflict from the Hundred Years’ War to the Basic Military Officer Qualification course, a setting most RMC Cadets will be somewhat more familiar with, “Shakespeare in Combats” took the original play and made it familiar and funny, directing it at the Officer Cadets of the College by relaying a slightly warped version of events such as they would have been experienced by much of the audience.

This year’s Drama Club Production, an adaptation of Henry V entitled “Shakespeare in Combats,” was entirely student-written, directed and performed. 26056 OCdt (III) Aaron Jacques and 25892 OCdt (IV) Meghan Thompson collaborated on the writing of the play, with musical composition done by 26239 OCdt (II) Amy Thomas. In addition, the play was directed by 26258 OCdt (II) David Gee, and performed by a cast consisting of: 26229 OCdt (II) Richard Harding, 26282 OCdt (II) Kevin Bowen, 25786 OCdt (IV) Brennan Roche, 26269 OCdt (II) Zachary Simard, 26861 OCdt (II) Benjamin Burnell, 26239 OCdt (II) Amy Thomas, 25747 OCdt (IV) Richard Gonzo, 26056 OCdt (III) Aaron Jacques, 25892 OCdt (IV) Meghan Thompson, 26041 OCdt (III) Adam McManus, 26494 OCdt (II) Mitchell Marquette, and 26406 OCdt (II) Ann Kameoka, with the tech crew, 26469 OCdt (II) Olivia Frank, and 25902 OCdt (IV) Nigel Mahon, organized by 25829 OCdt (IV) Emily McManus, the stage manager. In the works since last summer, “Shakespeare in Combats” built on the trend started with last year’s play, “Shakespeare in Scarlets,” by touching on the experiences of Officer Cadets, and tying in some of the issues and realities that they face on a regular basis.

The play centres on a conflict between an Anglophone, Henry, and a Francophone, Louis, as Henry deals with the pains of having others depend on him as a leader, which conflicts heavily with his own, independent rivalry with Louis. The play is laced with heavily comedic scenes and RMC inside jokes, all of which surround this painful change of mindset that the main character had to endure. Making Erpingham and Fluellen, minor characters in the original play, key characters, the change in the tone of Henry and Catherine’s relationship, and the inclusion of Michelle Montjoie, replacing the herald in the original play but now also serving as a secondary love interest for Henry, for example, are all ways in which Shakespeare’s historical play was made into a story personalized to RMC, portraying character types and struggles that many Officer Cadets may have witnessed or experienced. With a number of personal soliloquies written by the actors themselves, including two set to music, the play allowed the Drama Club members to really mold their characters as they pleased. The cast was also pleased to greet a number of VIPs over the course of its presentation, with the majority, including the Commandant, BGen Eric Tremblay, with his family, attending on Friday, and several more attending Saturday’s production, including the DCdts, LCol Lemyre.

After the successes of both this year and the last, the Drama Club is very optimistic about its prospects for the future. Although the Club will be saying goodbye to some of this year’s actors, they are looking forward to retaining the majority of their well-balanced cast for use in the 2013-2014 production. The club would like to thank all of those who came out to support them, and hope to see even more faces out next year. All in all, the play was a success, leaving the club with bright prospects for upcoming years.

Quand Shakespeare a présenté Henry V, sa pièce historique destinée à encourager de la fierté chez les Anglais envers leur roi, il est Presque certain que l’auteur fameux n’a pas envisage la forme que sa pièce prendrait cette fin de semaine. En transférant le conflit central de la Guerre de Cent Ans au QMOB, un environnement plus reconnaissable à ceux du CMRC, “Shakespeare in Combats” a pris la pièce originelle et l’a rendue plus familier et plus drôle, dirigeant sa présentation aux Élofs du Collège en donnant une version un peu exagérée d’événements qui pourraient avoir été vécus par les membres du public.

La production du Club de Théatre de cette année, “Shakespeare in Combats,” une adaptation de Henry V, était entièrement écrite, dirigée, et performée par des Élofs. 26056 L’Élof (III) Aaron Jacques et 25892 l’Élof (IV) Meghan Thompson ont collaboré sur l’écriture de la pièce, avec la composition musicale ayant été la responsabilité de 26239 l’Élof (II) Amy Thomas. En plus, la pièce s’est vue dirigée par 26258 l’Élof (II) David Gee, et performée par 26229 l’Élof (II) Richard Harding, 26282 l’Élof (II) Kevin Bowen, 25786 l’Élof (IV) Brennan Roche, 26269 l’Élof (II) Zachary Simard, 26861 l’Élof (II) Benjamin Burnell, 26239 l’Élof (II) Amy Thomas, 25747 l’Élof (IV) Richard Gonzo, 26056 l’Élof (III) Aaron Jacques, 25892 l’Élof (IV) Meghan Thompson, 26041 l’Élof (III) Adam McManus, 26494 l’Élof (II) Mitchell Marquette, et 26406 l’Élof (II) Ann Kameoka, avec le côté technique, composé de 26469 l’Élof (II) Olivia Frank et 25902 l’Élof (IV) Nigel Mahon, organisé par 25829 l’Élof (IV) Emily McManus, le gérant technique. En préparation depuis l’été passé, la pièce de cette année a continué dans le style de celle de l’année passée, “Shakespeare in Scarlets,” en se basant sur les expériences des Élofs eux-mêmes, tels que l’on pourrait les voir d’un jour ‘a l’autre au Collège.

La pièce tourney sur la rivalité entre un Anglophone, Henry, et un Francophone, Louis, pendant que Henry est aux prises avec l’idée d’avoir d’autres personnes qui dépendent sur lui, ce qui est incompatible avec sa poursuite d’une rivalité personelle avec Louis. La pièce contient bien de l’humour, et plusieurs farces très spécifiques à la culture du CMRC, ce qui n’enlève pas de la transformation difficile que subit Henry. En donnant un role important à Erpingham et Fluellen, des personnages sans trop d’importance dans la pièce originale, en changeant le ton des relations entre Henry et Catherine, et en donnant à Michelle Montjoie un rôle secondaire comme intérêt romantique, la pièce classique a été personnalisée, mettant en vedette des personnages et conflits propres au CMRC. Avec plusieurs monologues écrits par les acteurs eux-mêmes, dont deux sont mis en musique, la pièce a permis aux acteurs de faire ce qu’ils voulaient avec leurs personnages. Ils ont aussi eu l’opportunité de donner la bienvenue à plusieurs VIPs au cours de la soirée, la majorité d’entre eux , avec la majorité, y compris le commandant, le brigadier général Eric Tremblay, et sa famille, ayant assisté le vendredi, et plusieurs autres ayant assisté à la production de samedi, y compris le DCdts, le LCol Lemyre.

Après les succès de cette année et de l’année passée, le club de Théatre est très optimiste au sujet de son futur. Bien qu’ils verront certains de leurs acteurs graduer cette année, ils auront la chance de garder la majorité de leur talent pour une année de plus, au moins. Finalement, le club aimerait remercier tous ceux qui sont venus voir leur production, et dire qu’ils espèrent voir encore plus de monde l’année prochaine!


RMCC Prof Excels at Naval Reserve HQ Skills Competition

Article & photo by staff u/k

This year, The Naval Reserve organized a Regional and National Skills Competition as a means to foster teambuilding and encourage retention; the finals took place at the Naval Reserve Head Quarters, in Quebec City on the 22 – 24 of February. All trades were represented, with members of the Naval Reserve competing against teams from coast to coast. The winners in each occupation were recognized as National Champions. One professor from the Royal Military College of Canada won such a distinction: Dr. Stéphanie Bélanger, Associate professor in the Department of French Studies, who also serves as the Logistics Officer at the reserve unit HMCS CATARAQUI, was recognized as a national champion in her trade, combining logistics skills with scholarly excellence. Bravo Zulu!


College CWO Skylark

College Chief Warrant Officer CPO1 Keith Davidson returned from the recent Battlefield tour to find himself the victim of a skylark. It seems his challenge to an unknown Cadet, that if you’re going to get roses for the Chief, you better go all out, was accepted. The results were visible in the Chief’s office early this past Monday morning.

Unless otherwise indicated, articles and photos by 25366 Mike Shewfelt

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