About eVeritas

eVeritas is an Alumni Blog supporting ex-cadets stories and other members of the Alumni Community.  The purpose of the publication is to keep Alumni informed with relevant special interest columns relating to news and information on the Colleges, the Students, activities for ex-cadets, and other stories of interest to our readership. 

Submission Guidelines

eVeritas is first and foremost a publication serving Alumni affiliated with Canada’s Military Colleges.  If that’s you and you’ve got a story to tell, we want you to write for us! 

Publication Guidelines: 

  1. All articles accepted for publication will be edited for spelling, grammar, and clarity. 
  2. Articles must be submitted to [email protected]. 
  3. Articles should be submitted in a bilingual format in accordance with the eVeritas Translation Policy. 
  4. Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word files if possible. Please do not submit accompanying photos by embedding them in the Word document as this can cause issues with image quality. Photos should be submitted separately using one of the common file formats for images (eg. jpg, PNG, etc.).
  5. Any submitted articles which target a portion of our audience in a negative way will automatically be rejected. Such targeting includes but is not limited to racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia. Articles that are seen to attack an individual, or which are too overtly political, will also not be accepted. 

The Chief Executive Officer has the final decision on whether an article is or is not accepted for publication.

eVeritas Translation Policy

As eVeritas is the Alumni Blog representing the Royal Military Colleges of Canada it is important that eVeritas represent both official languages of Canada. To that end, our Translation Policy is as follows:

  1. Articles should be submitted in a bilingual format. 
  2. Articles will no longer be translated in-house.
  3. Certain types of articles will not be translated.  These include but are not limited to human interest articles and personal anecdotes, obituaries and death notices.