For the students and alumni of Canada’s military colleges | Pour les étudiant(e)s et ANCIEN(NE)S des Collèges militaires du Canada

Battle of the Classes Challenge Winner Announced
The 2024 Battle of the Classes was a resounding success once again. Your generosity raised over $400,000 from 1 August – 31 December 2024. Since 2019 classes have raised $2,053,741 in support of the Colleges and the future leaders of Canada.

Top Donors for 2024 Announced
The purpose of the New Eighteen Society is to recognize the top 18 major financial contributions to the RMC Alumni Association each calendar year by individual donors (not classes, branches, corporations or other collective bodies). Since the purpose of the New 18 is to promote philanthropy, those who wish to remain anonymous will not be included, and the next ranking individual will be added. Only actual, current year donations will be taken into consideration.

Cumulative Class Giving – Where does your class rank for lifetime cumulative giving?
Where does your class rank for lifetime cumulative giving? Class giving includes all donations regardless of the direction of the gift designation by the donor.

2 Royal Military College students jumped into action to save a man from a burning car in North York
When asked about their decision to help, Brown said, “It’s what we’re meant to do, right? It’s serve and protect, service over self. Put yourself in the way of harm for others.” Whiddon added that it’s an easy decision because they can identify with someone in distress.

RMC vs USMA Challenge Cup – Saturday 1 February 2025, 2pm Puck Drop
The Challenge Cup takes place between RMC and its prestigious US counter part, The US Military Academy (Westpoint-US Army). The Challenge Cup is recorded as the longest-running annual international hockey game in the world. It began in 1923 and has continued annually and alternates being played at USMA-Tate Arena (Westpoint, NY) and RMC-Kingston, Ontario in front of capacity crowds.

RMC Alumni Association Presentation to the CMC Review Board
The Alumni Association’s perspective is rooted in evidence-based research. This submission was developed with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the Alumni Association’s research and advisory partner, selected through a competitive RFP process. The submission incorporates the guidance of an independent expert Steering Committee, external to the Alumni Association, which was tasked with guiding, directing and challenging the development of recommendations.

Les premières résidences de l’histoire du Cégep de l’Outaouais en 2027
Le Droit a appris qu’après huit mois de planification et de discussions, une contribution financière majeure de 1,2 million de dollars versée par la Fondation Jocelyne et Gilles Ouimet CMR 1967– un couple de la région qui souhaite redonner à la communauté – permettra à un projet de construction d’une résidence étudiante de 24 places de devenir réalité d’ici 2027. Il s’agit du même coup du plus important don unique jamais reçu dans l’histoire de l’établissement.

Nancy Burt a U.S. Army Cold War Veteran shares her story as a part of the Scottsdale Sister Cities Program with Kingston ON
Nancy Burt is a, U.S. Army Cold War Veteran, who has been posted to bases around the United States, and overseas in South Korea, Germany, Japan and Belgium. She has worked along side Canadian military members in international organizations: The United Nations Command (UNCR) in Japan and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Belgium.
She is also currently, a member of the Kingston, Canada sister cities group and participated in a number of activities during the Kingston Delegation visit to Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, last year.

Chuck Davies, Class of 1976, publishes a Citizen’s Guide to National Defence
Charles (Chuck) Davies (CMR-RMC, RMC Centennial Class of 1976) has been a Fellow of the Conference of Defence Associations Institute for over a decade now, researching and writing about defence issues. A recurring theme he has observed in public debates is that National Defence can be irritatingly difficult for Canadians to understand. On one hand they see, and often celebrate, the good work of the Canadian Armed Forces when they deploy at home or abroad to deal with crises ranging from natural disasters to serious conflicts.

eVeritas Book Club – What are you reading?
John Madower, MGen (Ret’d), has drawn upon his 37-year career as an Air Force aerospace engineer for some of his inspiration for his edgy, modern spy thriller called The Ghosts Of Apollo. Serving with distinction during the First Gulf War, Afghanistan, and as a NORAD Battle Commander/Combat Control Officer, he offers a unique, expert inside perspective on various situations portrayed in this exciting debut novel.

37th Annual Carr-Harris Challenge Cup – 6 February 2025 7:30 pm Puck Drop, Slush Puppie Place Kingston
Get ready for the return of hockey’s oldest rivalry! The Queen’s Gaels and RMC Paladins will face off in the 37th Carr-Harris Challenge Cup on Thursday, February 6 at 7:30 p.m. at Slush Puppie Place.

RMC associate professor Danielle Lussier is recognized with the Order of Ontario for her contributions to legal and post-secondary education.
Since first joining Queen’s as a cross-appointed faculty member from the Royal Military College of Canada in 2022, Dr. Lussier has always known that her commitment to students went far beyond transmitting technical knowledge. Trained in both civil law and common law, Dr. Lussier brings her Red River Métis identity onboard to educate a new generation of professionals prepared to fight a history of colonization and oppression.