RCNC280 Don Currie, RRMC, 1946
It is with sad hearts and a lifetime of wonderful memories that we share news of Don Currie’s passing on Friday, May 6, 2022. Devoted husband to Sylvia Currie. Loved brother of Alison Ryce. Caring father to Andrea (Jeff), Chris, Brent (Natalie) and loving Grandad to Lauren, Robyn, Icarus, Sam, Holly and Eric.
Don’s curiosity, passion for learning, and spirit for adventure brought him into contact with many, both onboard and ashore. Graduate of Royal Roads Military College and University of Tulsa, naval lieutenant, former Chemical Engineer and Air Quality Specialist with Ontario Ministry of the Environment, musician and world-class sailor. Don lived his dreams, explored his world, and inspired others to do the same. Don has cast anchor a final time and now brings his voyage to an end.
Special thanks to the caring staff at the Hildegarde Centre, Providence Care Hospital and Fairmount Home. An informal celebration of life will occur Sunday, June 5, from 2:00 – 4:00 pm at the Kingston Yacht Club. For those wishing, donations in Don’s memory may be made to University Hospitals Kingston Foundation (please specify: Hildegarde Centre). https://uhkf.akaraisin.com/ui/UHKFdonate/donations/start
8373 Donald Vachon, CMR RMC, 1970
Je suis triste de lire cette nouvelle. DY était mon patron lorsque je travaillais à Rockliffe bldg 55, pour DASP 5 (spécialité photo) en 1985. Il était très amical et jovial. Évidemment j’étais une 2lt et lui un LCol donc je ne l’ai pas connu beaucoup du côté personnel. Mes condoléances à la famille. Je ne l’ai jamais oublié.
14419 Johanne Durand