Researched by s25436 Matt Telfser
Before RMC
-hails from the fair prairie city of Regina
-graduate from Regina Central Collegiate Institute with top honours
-loved hot rods
While At RMC
– Spent 2 years at RRMC, and his final 2 at RMC
-Light-middleweight champion and winner of Outstanding Boxer Award at RRMC
-held cadet officer appointments at both colleges
-competed in rep cross country and rugby
-stood first in Third Year Mechanical Engineering
-During summer did artillery training in Shilo.
After RMC
-Was in the army, first in the artillery and then RCEME
-one of two military officers sent on the Career Assignment Program to evaluate it
– seconded to Environment Canada for two years as Chief of Contingency Planning for Environmental Emergencies
-an engineer on the CL89 project
-taught mechanical engineering at RMC
-managed a maintenance information system and managed independent analyis of capital acquisition proposals for the Chief of Program and VCDS
-retired from the Army in 1984 and joined the public service as an engineer from 1984 to 1996
-Fully retired in 2007 after 48 years of thoroughly enjoyed work
-oldest son, David, is the Commanding Officer of the new C17 Globemaster strategic airlift squadron in Trenton and his middle son is a chiropractor
-2005 he married Margie Barton, a 1962 KGH graduate
-moved to Prescott to enjoy small town life, becoming involved in a church, local Rotary Clubs, and the St Lawrence Shakespeare Festival
-deeply involved in stock market analysis
Who is He?
a) 5573 Layne Larsen;
b) 5577 John Lowthian
c) 5588 Don Mulder;
d) 5616 William Voort