II Annual RMC 24hr Bike-a-Thon:
The Road to Nowhere Leads To…
By: 25117 Leah D’Ettore
What could move hundreds of Officer Cadets and Staff to take time out of their weekend to ride a bike to nowhere? The answer is quite simply the “Soldier-On” program. The call to raise money and awareness for CF members with disabilities brought a crowd of RMC’s students and staff to take up the challenge and ride on stationary bikes for anywhere from a 2 minute sprint to a 24 hour endurance test.
The first ten minutes of the event were kicked off by the Cadet Squadron Leaders with a 10 minute sprint, each of them eager to get their squadron a head start in the 24 hour race. The energy was high and continued on through the long night all the way into the following evening.
The Commandant was also sighted spinning away with the group for 30Km at 5 am! Like last year, DCdt, LCol O’Keeffe (photo left) cycled for 24 straight hours stopping only for a few “nature breaks”.
Squadrons brought out their own TVs and game systems while giant speakers were set up around the New Gym to provide the cyclists with some techno/rock inspiration.
The last hour saw heightened emotions, cheering, screaming, and adrenalin rushes that had the bikes shaking in their stands to the point that it seemed that some of the ones with two wheels might take off. When the last minute ran out, the room was full of cheers and a great deal of relief on the part of the cyclists.
In the end, RMC was able to hand a cheque for $5,730.00 to Soldier-On representative WO Andrew McLean. The final standings for the squadrons were:
1. 2 Squadron
2. 4 Squadron
3. 1 Squadron
CDS joins cadets at CDAI Seminar – Ten Cadets travelled to Ottawa to attend the annual CDAI conference. Under the leadership of Dr. John Scott Cowan and the CDAI executive team, this conference is a keynote event which provided the Cadets the opportunity to hear from a broad range of important speakers including the CDS, ECS’s and foreign experts and leaders including Gen Patreus.
From left to right: OCdt Hasanzadah, OCdt Laprise, OCdt Anderson, OCdt Moffat, Gen Natynczyk, OCdt Gélinas, OCdt Lévesque, OCdt Lystiuk, OCdt Larochelle-Meilleur, OCdt Sidiqi, NCdt Caceres
Cadets Exposed to the Real World of… Defence Planning
By OCdt Joycelyn Moffat
Ten Cadets travelled to Ottawa from 3-4 March to represent the college at both the Conference of Defence Associations Institute 26th Annual Defence Seminar, “Protecting Canada’s National Interests in an Uncertain World” and the Conference of Defence Associations 73rd Annual General Meeting, “Power Projection and the Canadian Forces: Resources and Capabilities”.
The lectures spanning over the course of two days featured presenters from across Canada and the United States, though most notably including the Chief of Defence Staff, General Walter Natynczyk, and the Commander of US Central Command, General David Petraeus.
Exposure to the world of defence planning was beneficial to all the Cadets involved and it is hoped that future participation will be possible.
Toronto Garrison Officer’s Ball – ADC Point of View
By: 25005 NCdt (III) Aaron Bradley 10 Sqn – Aide de Camp
Saturday I was pulled away from the velo-thon, where I was riding for my squadron and the triathlon club, in order to attend the Toronto Garrison Officer’s Ball where the who’s who of Canada gathered to celebrate their service together. It was also the 150th anniversary of the Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada, which I was told is Canada’s oldest regiment.
From parliamentary ministers and the mayor of Toronto to industry leading business directors from the local community and of course numerous military commanders and a plethora of officers from around the country. It was an excellent opportunity to meet and greet in addition to finding exsiting relationships. Saturday night I met many military commanders, other Aide de Camps, liaison officers, an Afghan cultural advisor working between our country and his, and various other officers that were interested in current college life. But what I was most impressed with was the number of people I already knew or had connections. I met up with several recent graduates from the college, some of which I had run with on the running team, others with whom I had played in the pipe band. I even met a wife of a PPCLI Company Commander’s who had graduated from the same high school in Sherwood Park, Alberta. It is truly incredible how important the relationships are that you make every day.
Four AERE IV Years at the 2010 Toronto Garrison Officers’ Ball
By: OCdt 24565 (IV) Rudy Guay
On Saturday, March 6th, the Toronto Military community hosted the annual Garrison Officers’ Ball at the Toronto Convention Centre. Many important guests were present at this event such as David Miller, the Mayor of Toronto, LGen Andrew Leslie, the Chief of the Land Staff, LGen André Deschamps, the Chief of the Air Staff, and Cmdre William Truelove, our commandant.
Mr. William Coyle, Honorary Colonel of the Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Technology and Engineering at 16 Wing Borden, had the brilliant idea to buy many tables to be filled by Air Force personnel at this prestigious Army dinner. Four Aerospace Engineering officer cadets from RMC had the honour of attending the event.
We really appreciated the experience. For junior officers, it was an excellent opportunity to socialize with the “crème de la crème” of the Canadian Forces. Furthermore, it was interesting to share opinions about the current and future status of our military. We are looking forward to meet some of those senior officers again at the Air Force mess dinner held next Wednesday.