Today passed quickly-no exams and a long tedious drill parade to let the seniors practice passing off while we stood at the slope

8 April 52

We wrote our first exam today – commerce 32. It was very fair and I feel quite happy about it. Now we have 5 full days until the next ones. Went in tonight for dinner at McDougall’s and then to see two delightful movies, “Tight Little Island” and “I know Where I’m Going”. Both were splendid and I’ll see either any chance I get. Also we saw Doyle’s Talent Parade – this is getting to be a habit with me. Word finally came on our sailing date. We report to RCOC school 7 May and set sail 9 May. Return sailing date is 26 Aug 52.

9 April 52





Today passed quickly-no exams and a long tedious drill parade to let the seniors practice passing off while we stood at the slope. While coming back from dinner I taught Fritz how to play horseshoes and the wretch beat me! Tried my swim test. Andy won a bet in a stone-skipping contest and horse-shoe game so I lost a milkshake and hamburger. Just not my day that’s all.



12 April 52


The game of horseshoes has become very popular during the past few days; Fritz and I think we pioneered the movement this year. Took a walk into town today; it’s much too lovely out for studying. Met a dapper little man dressed up like an admiral. He offered to show me around some of the C.S.L. freighters tomorrow.

13 April 52

Up early and into town with Jim Graham after a delicious breakfast with hot eggs and hot cross buns. We went aboard the Penltang and found our admiral to be nothing but a stoker. He was very obliging and showed us all over the boat. Then we went up to St. Andrew’s for church. The Easter parade just wasn’t because of the drizzling rain. While taking a wonderful hot bath this afternoon Bigelow and McCrimmon came in and poured a bottle of ink into the tub. It was a terribly abrupt way to have to leave the tub. Some unscrupulous villains have swiped our “Happy” collective from the back of my door.
