
Bill & Rolande Oliver

 Click on photos for better viewing – especially the last one of Curtis

2014 has been another exciting and fulfilling year for e-Veritas. This is Issue #49 for the past 12 months; we expect to wrap up with #50 before 2015  officially becomes a reality.

We wish to recognize the outstanding support that we have received from the volunteers (above).

Mike Kennedy, Victoria Edwards, Claude Scilley, Sarah Labrecque,

Chantel Fortier, Danielle Andela, Kai Zhao, Melissa Sanfacon,

Denice Zoretich, Erik St-Gelais, Cloe Baillargeon, Catherine Silins

Mike Shewfelt, Jen Ochej, Steph Ochej, & Curtis Maynard.

Some are still on the scene while others have moved on to other challenges in their professional careers. Without these  combined significant contributions e-Veritas would have been unable to provide our readers with a constant high quality e-newsletter during 2014.

Thank you one and all.

Bill & Rolande Oliver
