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Reservists are skilled and talented people who are part-time “citizen soldiers”, sailors and airmen/airwomen. In addition to their military responsibilities, they also work full time in the civilian workforce. They enhance corporate culture, small and large businesses, with the experience they have attained in the military. As a candidate for a position they have a well-earned skill set that goes above and beyond another candidate for the same role. If you already employ a Reservist, you know the benefits they bring to the workplace with both hard and soft skills.

The Canadian Armed Forces provide Reservists with world class training to develop key skills which form not only the foundations of an invaluable Reservist but also an invaluable employee. Employers benefit from their core skills and abilities such as leadership, teamwork, discipline, initiative, determination, problem solving, and the ability to work under pressure.

When you employ a Reservist they bring their skillset from the military to your organization. In turn, they also contribute their workplace expertise when serving in the military. It’s a win-win for both your organization and the Canadian Armed Forces. Reservists who serve help to provide a safe environment for businesses to thrive and is one of the very reasons many people are proud of our serving members.

The With Glowing Hearts – Reservist Support Initiative provides guidance and tools to support both Employers and Reservists and the good work they do together. Employing a Reservist is good for business and it makes your work, and workplace, better – With Glowing Hearts, we stand together supporting our community and country.

The Basics

Reservists are members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who train and serve with the CAF on a part-time basis. They typically serve on weekday evenings and weekends. From time-to-time Reservists attend military courses and training that lasts one or two weeks and occasionally longer durations. Reservists have the opportunity to volunteer to serve on domestic and international operations on a full-time basis augmenting the regular component of the CAF. Through floods, fires or ice storms, Reservists are there to help and to keep communities and businesses operating. Their training provides both domestic response and international support – when you employ a Reservist, you in turn, are serving your country.

What is the With Glowing Hearts program?

The With Glowing Hearts – Reservist Support Initiative is an HR program to attract and retain talented employees. The Canadian Armed Forces has trained thousands of Reservists who bring exceptional qualifications to an organization or business. Consider the Reserves as a talent pool to source potential employees to support your goals and initiatives.

How does the program work?

It’s simple – like any other HR initiative, the program highlights the business as a military-friendly organization. For example, you may already have a maternity leave policy in place, growth programs for leadership, or even policies for internships. The With Glowing Hearts – Reservist Support Initiative becomes another offering within an organization to attract, and keep, experienced and valued employees. The turn key program becomes an asset to the organization and can be promoted to create awareness through your communication channels of choice.

What does the program include?

The program consists of the following elements:

  1. “With Glowing Hearts” Reservist support customized certificate for Employers
  2. “With Glowing Hearts” Customized employer support icon (online use)
  3. “With Glowing Hearts” Employer/Reservist Recognition stickers
  4. HR & FAQS: Q&A for employing Reservists
  5. Military Leave Policy (MLP): Examples of MLP for small and large businesses

What’s next?

  • Register for the program or for more information: withglowinghearts/
  • Create a military leave policy to support your organization and employment of Reservists, an example is on the website
  • If you already have a military leave policy in place, register for the program

How can I find out more information for my business?

Employers Supporting Reservists – Canadian Forces Liaison Council

Visit the website:






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