Wounded Warriors Canada is honoured to announce that 7860 Lieutenant-General (ret) The Honourable Roméo A. Dallaire, (Ret’d) Class of ’69 has agreed to become Wounded Warriors Canada first ever, National Patron. Article
10137 Gord Loney, Class of ’74 is an engineering graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada. Since his retirement from active duty 18 years ago, he has specialized in the field of perimeter protection for military, government, industrial, transportation and other critical infrastructure facilities. A long time member of ASIS and the National Defense Industrial Association, he has lectured numerous professional audiences on outdoor security and has written on the subject. He currently resides in Ottawa where he is employed as the Vice President of Product Sales for Senstar Corporation, a leading supplier of outdoor security solutions worldwide.
11575 Grant Turnbull graduated as a civil engineer from Royal Military College of Canada – Class of ‘77 after growing up in a small rural farm community in Manitoba. He served in the Canadian Armed Forces from 1973 to 1981 completing construction and civil projects as a Military Engineer all across Canada and in the Canadian High Arctic.
In 1983 he joined Dominion Construction as a Project Manager in Regina, Saskatchewan. As Dominion did many design build projects in Saskatchewan, Grant’s responsibilities were split between that of structural design engineer, design team manager and construction project manager. In 1990 he was transferred by Dominion to head office in Vancouver where he managed such projects as General Motors Place (now Rogers Arena) and the Pacific Press Kennedy Heights Printing Plant where the Vancouver Sun and Province newspapers are produced to this day. While at Dominion, Grant’s career progressed to the level of Vice President of Construction.
In 1998, Grant promoted himself to President by forming his own company, Turnbull Construction Services Ltd. (TCSL), with the goal of acting strictly on the Owner’s behalf as Project Manager and Owner’s Representative on major projects. Today the firm consists of 6 people, including Grant’s wife Michelle and four Project Managers. TCSL typically manages 6 to 8 major projects at any one time through all stages from inception, through programming, planning, design, construction and Owner move in. Website www.turnbullconstructionservices.com.
In 2007 Grant achieved an MBA degree in Project Management from Athabasca University. He has three adult children and five grandchildren under the age of seven. The grandkids are very good at distracting Grant from the project woes whenever the need arises!”
10838 Colonel (retired) Marc Grondin, CD, Class of ’76
Au service du MDN depuis 43 ans, colonel à la retraite et employé de RDDC depuis neuf ans comme ingénieur, Marc Grondin s’est mérité la Médaille du jubilé de diamant de la reine Elizabeth II pour son leadership dans la création et la gestion du programme Support aux opérations, notamment, les nombreux programmes d’acquisition des véhicules de combat, la protection des aéronefs, les programmes d’acquisition des Forces spéciales et les projets spéciaux qui ont permis d’optimiser l’apport de la S & T auprès des FC à un sommet inégalé.
11356 J. A. Paul J. Downie, Class of ’78, was recently honoured with a Canadian Blood Services framed certificate for “One Hundred Donations”, in St. Catharines, Ontario.
Paul started giving blood as first year cadet at RMC Kingston, in 1973 because he felt it was important. Presently, he is now a 102 bagger, after forty years.
After RMC Paul had not donated again until 1987, for lack of opportunity, having been in the petroleum industry in the field and offshore.
He feels it is still important to give blood.
Retiring naval officer picks Barrie to hoist his flag – “When it came time to think about flags, the big option is the Peace Tower in Parliament, but there’s such a backlog there that you’d be years waiting for it and I didn’t want that,”- 12190 Ross Lambert – Class of’79 article
Women in Leadership: Reflections from Wise Women – G55 Valerie Spencer Keyes graduated from the War Studies program with a Master of Arts (History) Class of ’80 Article
Helping homeless veterans
12529 Mark Eldridge – Class of ’81 – Full article
13122 Bill Kelly – Class of ’81 joined CFN consultants in May 2013. He brings to the consultancy extensive experience in leadership, management, strategic planning, and materiel acquisition and support gained through various positions held within the Canadian Forces and Department of National Defence. His focus in CFN is on aerospace projects.
Bill served as an Aerospace Engineer in the Canadian Forces for over 31 years. He has served operationally as an Engineering Officer on tactical fighter squadrons in Canada and overseas.
He also commanded 10 Field Technical Training Squadron in Cold Lake Alberta from 1996 to 1997, 15 Service Support Branch in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan from 1998 to 1999 and the Canadian Forces Joint Imagery Centre in Ottawa from 2002 to 2005. More
13738 Chris Hadfield, Class of ’82 hands over command of ISS
How Chris Hadfield turned earthlings on to space Article
New base commander takes over May 30 – CFB Kingston’s new base commander brings 30 years of military experience to his new posting. 16206 Col. F.J. Chagnon, Class of ’88 article
17383 Lucy Cerantola recently returned from the Canadian Naturals (body building competition)in Winnipeg MB – competing this time in Women’s Physique division. The RMC Class of ’90 graduate wanted to try out this new division and finished in 2nd place in the Physique Tall Category.
Lucy is currently looking into potential competitions outside of Canada as a top 5 finisher she qualifies to compete internationally.
Her next goal short term is to Run the Spartan Obstacle Course race – 5km with 15 or so obstacles in Oro, ON on June 22nd. She will be running it with a great group of parents and teachers from Ecole Elementaire de Sainte-Marie, Oakville!
18365 Glenn Lanteigne – Class of ’92 joined the South West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) as chief information officer in 2010. As CIO, Glenn provides direct leadership and accountability for the creation and implementation of a shared LHIN wide eHealth strategic plan that will ensure an integrated, aligned, and community-responsive health care system. He is responsible for electronic and information sharing initiatives to promote, maintain and improve health care delivery throughout the LHIN.
Glenn brings over 18 years of leadership, management, and consulting experience across the entire healthcare continuum. Most recently, Glenn was the director, healthcare at TELUS Healthcare Solutions providing overall strategic leadership for a full range of business and electronic health initiatives in regional care, acute care, community care, primary care, home care and consumer care. Glenn is a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada where he holds an honours degree in economics and politics. In addition, Glenn holds an MBA from the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa and a Six Sigma Black Belt certification.
18395 Mike Potter obtained his B.Eng. in Engineering Physics (electrical) from the Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Class of ‘92. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, in 2001. From 1992 to 1997 he served as an officer in the Canadian Navy as a Combat Systems Engineer. After completing his service and attaining the rank of Lieutentant(Navy), he completed his doctoral work in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. His research interests include computational electromagnetics and the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method, as well as applications of computational methods for acoustic and seismic modeling.
Mike is currently an Associate Professor – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Calgary.
21364 Jeremy Hansen, Class of ’99 – The former Ingersoll resident and IDCI graduate shared his dream along with Canada’s achievements and goals in space exploration with students at elementary schools in Ingersoll and Embro on Tuesday, May 7. article
RMC Class of 2004 gives lasting gift to campaign
The RMC Class of 2004 has voted to contribute $4,000 to this year’s Kingston Whig-Standard Campaign designated to the Matthew Dawe Memorial Fund. 22596 Matthew Dawe, a member of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Regiment (PPCLI) and a member of the class of 2004 was killed tragically while leading an operation near Kandahar, Afghanistan, on July 4, 2007. He attended LaSalle Secondary School and later graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada as the Cadet Wing Commander in 2004. He played many sports but volleyball was his favourite and he was named league all-star while playing at RMC. Article