In this issue, I saw a picture of one of my course mates (pilot course 7304), 9835 Jim Reith, having a drink with two of the participants of the GNCTR in Vancouver.
I noticed from the list of participants that 25835 OCdt Burgos, according to the College number tradition, owed 160 beers to Jim. I was wandering that if the beer that Jim is holding in his hand was the first of several beers that he collected from OCdt Burgos that evening…
9592 Claude Perras
The Reply…
Yes we did realize that night upon sharing college numbers that I did owe a large amount of beer to Jim. We cam to an agreement that those beers will be given over time and the next time I head over to Vancouver. It was a shock really, it’s rare that you find someone with the same last two!
25835 Adrian Burgos