16943 Shannon Baillon (Bell) bring military, corporate, sports expertise to town hall
Dr. Laura Robinson: Recently named RMCC Dean of Arts
Anne Caumartin, Prof. du CMRSJ, passe un été intéressant
13920 Squadron Leader Robert Nash – RNZAF
8457 Rev Paul Robinson: answered the call to full-time ministry
RMCC Prof Christian Leuprecht receives Canadian Government Appointment
Law Professor 16142 Jeff Smith: Got His Start at RRMC
Ex Cadet Serving Canada: 20895 Major Todd Somerville
Sky’s the Limit for 24052 Sarah Rogers
Record Breaking Ex Cadet – 10263 Don Lovell Competing in Moose Jaw This Week
23555 Lieutenant (Navy) Nadia Shield’s View From the Bridge
RM Quigley Grand-Slam Award for RMCC Prof – Dr. Richard J Bathurst
A Testimonial to 12497 Chris Blodgett
A balanced article: Mandatory training sessions dealing with sexual misconduct at RMCC
20751 Wayne Green (Class of ’97) balancing career with family life
Alumni Award recipients embody Royal Roads’ 75-year legacy: 2897 Herb Pitts
RRMC: Skylarks and life lessons
More than an oath: understanding honor in the profession of arms
Deux élof du CMR Saint-Jean à l’école de fouilles archéologiques de l’Université Laval
RRMC: Skylarks and life lessons
September 2, 1945 – The Signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender
OJE involves meeting up with Ex Cadets for IV Year
RMC Club: 7 levels of membership
RMC hockey coach, Adam Shell moves on to UBC
The real deal for four RMCC Naval Cadets
12570 Mike Kennedy: “N” Flight 1976 – Then and Now
Looking Back…June 27, 2012 – RMC CUTS VARSITY HOOPS
Class of 2019 March Through a Memorial Arch Still Being Refurbished
14458 Dr Harry Kowal: The Corporal Knew Best
15999 Colonel Ian Lightbody: off to a new career
Young Leaders Who Will Shape RMCC History
College brass pays a visit / Une visite des leaders du Collège
Cadets experience high profile OJE
The First C in RMCC: 10763 Dr. Randall Wakelam’s academic success story
Flashback: Queen’s woman gives RMC unexpected preview of 1980
FLASHBACK 1975: War? Who mentioned war? RMC cadets are gentlemen
12570 Mike Kennedy gets mail on 9-11
2015 FYOP Staff – One Common Denominator
Danielle Andela: Meets up with exchange student from France
Opinion: War ? Who Mentioned War? Mike Kennedy – Speaks Out
75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain
E3161 Victoria Edwards: In conversation with A152 Dr. S. Ranganathan
12570 Mike Kennedy – Book Review: Unflinching: The Making of a Canadian Sniper
Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean
Much more than an engraved coin / Badging Ceremony
Obstacle Course; Badging Parade – been there done that
Wall of Honour & Memorial Arch front and centre Reunion Weekend
Legacy Dinner / Old-ish meets New – Class of ’75; FUN RUN
Sit-down with 24974 Richard Lim (RMC ’11) – new hockey coach