CONGRATULATIONS to OCdt Victoria Benotto (25316) -Winner of the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge logo contest.
As part of the kick-off and promotional activities for the inauguration of the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge, a contest was recently held to solicit designs for a CSDC logo. The contest was open to students from the participating universites, with a $500 prize offered to the winning
entrant’s team.
Mr. Lawrence (Larry) Reeves, President, Geocentrix Technologies and Coordinator of the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge stated “In all, almost 40 designs were received, and I would like to thank all the students who submitted entries. I would also like to thank Wendy Keyzer and Colin Wilke of MDA in Richmond, B.C., for judging the entries – we very quickly converged on the winning entry.”
It is a pleasure to congratulate Officer Cadet Victoria Benotto of the Royal Military College of Canada for the following design:
This logo will now be used on all published CSDC materials, and will hopefully become extensively recognized as the competition begins and proceeds.
The Royal Military College of Canada, under the guidance of Dr. Jean-Marc Noël, Dr. Ron Vincent, Dr Gregg Wade and Major Marc Fricker, has entered a team of Officer Cadets into the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge. The winning team gets a free launch in space with their satellite.
Le Vimy dinner s’est tenu le 19 novembre dernier au musée de la guerre. Tout d’abord, le décor, la salle des chars d’assaut étaient tout à fait appropriés pour une telle rencontre.
Les quelques étudiants du collège militaire de Kingston que nous étions ainsi que du collège militaire de St-Jean se sont retrouvés entourés par les plus hauts dirigeants de l’armée canadienne. Cette occasion est unique pour les jeunes officiers que nous sommes. Une telle opportunité ne se présente pas tous les jours !
Nous avons eu la chance de rencontrer la très honorable Mme Adrienne Clarkson, ancienne gouverneure générale du Canada qui s’est vu remettre un prix pour son implication auprès des militaires canadiens.
Pour ma part, j’ai eu la chance d’être assise avec les dirigeants de la branche de logistique de l’armée. Ce fut un heureux hasard étant donné que je suis moi-même logistique. J’ai donc passé un souper des plus agréables en leur compagnie.
Bref, le Vimy Dinner fut un moment mémorable. En plus d’avoir la chance de déguster un très bon repas, c’est l’occasion pour les élèves officiers de rencontrer des gens qui se sont démarqués dans l’armée canadienne, qui ont des histoires et de l’expérience à revendre !
Élof Geneviève Martel
Vimy dinner was held on the 19th of November in the tank gallery located in the Ottawa National War Museum. The gallery was assembled in such a matter that it gave the setting of the dinner a sense of awe and appreciation. There were many white lined clothed tables set very royally for important people.
The students of the military college from Kingston and St. Jean were given the pleasure of dining with some of Canada’s greatest military and civilian leaders. It was very enlightening for us OCdts as it gave us the opportunity to talk with Officers and NCMs about their occupational roles and experiences. It was an inside look as to what we can expect in our future military careers.
We also had the chance to meet the very honourable Mrs Adrienne Clarkson, a formal Governor General of Canada. She made a point of introducing us OCdts and expressing her gratitude for our future commitment in the forces.
The seating plan was arranged so that I sat at a table with high ranking officers in the logistical army branch. Coincidently, my trade is also army logistics. I was happy to hear all the military stories they had to offer.
The Vimy dinner was a memorable night. The food and drinks were amazing and it was a great opportunity to meet many important people with different backgrounds. An experience that won’t be forgotten!
Élof Geneviève Martel 25505
Photo by: Francis Themens
Caption: Commandant, Commodore WST Truelove was on hand recently at the weekly Military Wing Coffee break to pass on best wishes to OCdt Njabulo Tshuma who has transferred to the ranks from the ROTP. Along with his best wishes, Commodore Truelove presented the new Private with a commandant’s coin as a memento of his time at the military college.
Moving to the ranks
Njabulo Tshuma came to RMC as a ROTP cadet in August 2008, and had difficulties with the program.
Despite transferring to Holding Platoon and having very little military experience, he quickly gained the trust of the Holding Platoon IC. His attentiveness to other Ocdts in Holding Platoon, his diligent tracking of their employment and his leadership as the platoon’s 2 IC showed he was a very capable, mature and dedicated member of the CF.
During the past summer between Sgt Durnford’s departure and Sgt Chiasson’s arrival, OCdt Tshuma ensured Holding Platoon personnel were gainfully employed, conducted their scheduled PT and dutifully put in their leave passes. Although he was an Ocdt with little military experience, he showed excellent potential in his new career path.
Pvt Tshuma will be going to CFB Borden to begin training as a Med Tech.