2 RCHA conducted a Change of Command and Change of Appointment Parade

On 27 June 2024, 2 RCHA conducted a Change of Command and Change of Appointment Parade. The ceremony was presided over by our Commander of 2 CMBG Col MacKeen.

The Commanding Officer was transferred from LCol Flanders to LCol Insley. The pace stick of Regimental Sergeant Major was passed from CWO Hewitt to CWO Attrux.

LCol Flanders is posted back to Ottawa with his family, and CWO Hewitt is retiring from the CAF after more than 30 years of service.


Le 27 juin 2024, le 2 RCHA a tenu un défilé de relève de commandement et de passation des fonctions. La cérémonie était présidée par le col MacKeen, commandant du 2 CMBG.

Le lcol Flanders a cédé son commandement au lcol Insley. L’adjuc Hewitt a remis le bâton de sergent-major régimentaire à l’adjuc Attrux.

Le lcol Flanders est affecté à Ottawa avec sa famille. L’adjuc Hewitt prend sa retraite de FAC après plus de 30 ans de service honorable.


Change of Command and Change of Appointment Ceremony for the Canadian Joint Warfare Centre

On June 26, 2024, Colonel Yannick Michaud assumed command of the Canadian Joint Warfare Centre (CJWC) from Colonel Chris Horner. Chief Petty Officer 1st class Jean-Francois Bouillon was appointed the Chief Warrant Officer of the CJWC replacing Chief Warrant Officer Stephane Gaudreau. Vice-Admiral Bob Auchterlonie, the Commander of the Canadian Joint Operations Command presided over the ceremony held at the Shirley’s Bay Campus in the West end of Ottawa.

As Commander of the CJWC, Colonel Michaud will ensure the centre continues to be the centre of excellence that assists the Department of Defense (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in finding ways to operate as a Joint Force.

Colonel Horner has been promoted to Brigadier-General and returns to the Royal Canadian Air Force in Ottawa as the Commander of the 3 Canadian Space Division.

Chief Petty Officer 1st class Bouillon was the Chief Warrant Officer for the Director Culture Progress Monitoring for the Chief Professional Conduct and Culture and will assist Colonel Michaud as part of the Command Team. His duties will include acting as an advisor to the Commander on matters affecting all ranks related to dress, discipline, morale and welfare, and quality of life.

Chief Warrant Officer Gaudreau will become the new Chief Warrant Officer for the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group located in Ottawa.

The CJWC assists the CAF to face the ever-evolving operational environment by implementing best practices, novel concepts and accelerate the adoption of available and emerging technology and tools.

The outcomes of these CJWC activities are enabling the creation and sustainment of a more capable and integrated joint force that will be better able to achieve operational effects across the full spectrum of conflict.

Le 26 juin 2024, le colonel Yannick Michaud a pris le commandement du Centre de guerre interarmées du Canada (CGIC) en remplacement du colonel Chris Horner. Le premier maître de 1re classe Jean-François Bouillon a été nommé adjudant-chef du CGIC en remplacement de l’adjudant-chef Stéphane Gaudreau. Le vice-amiral Bob Auchterlonie, commandant du Commandement des opérations interarmées du Canada, a présidé la cérémonie qui s’est tenue au complexe de la baie Shirleys, dans l’ouest d’Ottawa.

En tant que commandant du CGIC, le colonel Michaud veillera à ce que le CGIC demeure le centre d’excellence qui aide le ministère de la Défense nationale et les Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) à trouver des moyens de fonctionner en tant que force interarmées.

Le colonel Horner a été promu brigadier-général et retourne à l’Aviation royale canadienne à Ottawa en tant que commandant de la 3e Division spatiale du Canada.

Le premier maître de 1re classe Bouillon était l’adjudant-chef du Directeur – Changement de culture et contrôle du progrès pour le Chef – Conduite professionnelle et culture, et il appuiera le colonel Michaud au sein de l’équipe de commandement. Il assumera entre autres le rôle de conseiller du commandant sur des questions touchant tous les grades concernant l’habillement, la discipline, le moral et le bien-être, ainsi que la qualité de vie.

L’adjudant-chef Gaudreau deviendra le nouvel adjudant-chef du Groupe de transition des Forces armées canadiennes situé à Ottawa.

Le CGIC aide les FAC à s’adapter à l’évolution constante de l’environnement d’opérations en appliquant des pratiques exemplaires et des concepts nouveaux, ainsi qu’en accélérant l’adoption des technologies et des outils disponibles et émergents.

Ces activités permettront de créer et de maintenir en puissance une force interarmées intégrée et efficace qui pourra mieux assurer le succès de ses opérations dans l’ensemble du spectre des conflits.

New Commander for Canadian Forces Intelligence Command

Canadian Forces Intelligence Command (CFINTCOM) completed a change of command ceremony at the Major-General (MGen) George R. Pearkes building in Ottawa, where MGen David Abboud assumed command from Lieutenant-General (LGen) Michael C. Wright.

Presided over by General Wayne Eyre, Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), the ceremony brought LGen Wright’s three-year tenure as Commander of CFINTCOM and Chief of Defence Intelligence to a close.

CFINTCOM provides the CDS, the Government of Canada, and Allies with credible, timely and integrated defence intelligence capabilities, products, and services in support of Canada’s national security objectives.

“CFINTCOM has continued to enable Canadian Armed Forces decision advantage under LGen Wright’s command. In an uncertain world, challenged by multiple, often overlapping crises, he has delivered actionable analysis, and professional excellence to the role, and in so doing set the Command up for future success in a daunting global security environment. I am confident that MGen Abboud, with his vast experience and commitment to duty and excellence, will continue to set a positive example and lead our intelligence enterprise to continued success.”

General Wayne Eyre, Chief of the Defence Staff

“I have been honoured to spend the last three years commanding Canadian Forces Intelligence Command and integrating Canada’s Defence Intelligence Enterprise as the Chief of Defence Intelligence. Our North Strong and Free clearly explained that Canada and the Rules Based International Order are in a time of global uncertainty. In this time of uncertainty Canadians can be assured that the professionals of CFINTCOM have enabled information and decision advantage to the senior leadership of the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces and have had a direct impact on national level decision making and direction. The Defence Intelligence Enterprise performs their duties daily with professionalism and dedication to their country. They have achieved so much over the past three years, and I am proud to hand my responsibilities over to MGen Abboud to lead that enterprise into the future.”

Lieutenant-General Michael Wright, Previous Commander, Canadian Forces Intelligence Command

“It is a privilege to be the newest member of the Canadian Forces Intelligence Command and the Chief of Defence Intelligence team. I am proud to rejoin such a capable, diverse, and dedicated group of professionals working diligently every day to advance our country’s national security objectives. Together, we will continue to deliver on our important mandate, further evolve and integrate our Defence Intelligence Enterprise, and collaborate fully with our numerous partners.”

Major-General J.A.D. Abboud, Commander, Canadian Forces Intelligence Command


  • The Canadian Forces Intelligence Command (CFINTCOM) is the only organization in Canada’s intelligence community that conducts the full spectrum of both collection and analysis of intelligence from all sources.
  • CFINTCOM’s mission is to provide credible, timely and integrated defence intelligence capabilities, products and services to the DND and the CAF, Government of Canada and Allies in support of Canada’s national security objectives.
  • CFINTCOM will continue to evolve and innovate to be recognized as a world-class leader in the provision of integrated defence intelligence that is vital to the DND and the CAF and GOC decision-making.

4th Canadian Divison & Joint Task Force Central

Meet our new Commander!

On July 6th, 4th Canadian Divison & Joint Task Force Central held its Change of Command ceremony presided over by Commander Canadian Army, Lieutenant-General Jocelyn Paul, where Brigadier-General Joshua Major handed over command to Brigadier-General Cayle Oberwarth.

We wish BGen Major the very best at his next posting as we welcome our new Commander BGen Oberwarth! BGen Oberwarth comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and experience which includes serving with our very own The Royal Canadian Regiment.

We look forward to his leadership as Commander of 4th Canadian Division and Joint Task Force Central!

4th Canadian Division Public Affairs

Rencontrez notre nouveau commandant!

Le 6 juillet, le brigadier-général Joshua Major a remis le commandement de la 4e Division du Canada et de la Force opérationnelle interarmées (Centre) au brigadier-général Cayle Oberwarth. La cérémonie de passation de commandement était présidée par le commandant de l’Armée canadienne, le lieutenant-général Jocelyn Paul.

Nous souhaitons beaucoup de succès au Bgén Major dans sa prochaine affectation alors que nous accueillons notre nouveau commandant, le Bgén Oberwarth! Le Bgén Oberwarth possède un riche bagage de connaissances et une vaste expérience, acquise notamment en servant auprès de notre Royal Canadian Regiment.

Nous nous réjouissons de pouvoir compter sur son leadership en tant que commandant de la 4e Division du Canada et de la Force opérationnelle interarmées (Centre)!

Affaires publiques de la 4e Division du Canada.

Change of Command and the Change of Appointment for CFB Kingston

We are pleased to share the Change of Command and the Change of Appointment for CFB Kingston, that was held on Friday, June 21, 2024. This Change of Command is an important opportunity to recognize the excellent work performed by LCol Iain Clark and welcome Col John Scott as the new Base Commander.

We would also like to congratulate Base CWO Shaun Prendergast, who will be retiring after 36 years of service and welcome CWO Lori Flowers will be replacing him as Base Chief.

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer qu’une cérémonie de passation de commandement et de passation de fonctions de la BFC Kingston, a eu lieu le vendredi 21 juin 2024. Cette passation de commandement est une occasion importante de reconnaître l’excellent travail effectué par le lcol Iain Clark et de souhaiter la bienvenue au col John Scott en tant que nouveau commandant de la base.

Nous aimerions également féliciter l’adjuc Shaun Prendergast, qui prendra sa retraite après 36 ans de service, et souhaiter la bienvenue à l’adjuc Lori Flowers, qui le remplacera à titre de chef de la base.

Photos:  Kristy Murphy

New Commander for Canadian Joint Operations Command

Lieutenant-General Steve Boivin assumed leadership of the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) from Commander Vice-Admiral Bob Auchterlonie. The Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS),General Wayne Eyre, presided over the morning ceremony, which took place at His Majesty’s Canadian Ship Carleton in Ottawa.

Within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), CJOC is responsible for the planning, execution, support, and overall command of deployed Canadian military operations in Canada and around the world.

Following today’s ceremony, Vice-Admiral Auchterlonie will be retiring from the CAF after 37 years of service.

“Thank you to Vice-Admiral Bob Auchterlonie for a job extremely well done as Commander, Canadian Joint Operations Command through three years of unprecedented international and domestic crises.  I wish him all the best in his well-earned retirement. Congratulations to Lieutenant-General Steve Boivin on his appointment as Commander, CJOC. His significant background in operations and command has prepared him well to guide the Command during this time of increasing and constantly evolving threats, and I know he will continue to serve t​he country extremely well.”

General Wayne Eyre, Chief of the Defence Staff

“My appointment as Commander of Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) is an honour. I would like to thank the Minister of National Defence and Chief of Defence Staff for their confidence, and Vice-Admiral Auchterlonie for leaving things in such good stead. Together with the entire CJOC team, I look forward to serving Canada and Canadians through keeping us strong at home and engaged throughout the world.”

Lieutenant-General Steve Boivin, Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command

“Bravo Zulu to Lieutenant-General Boivin on assuming command of Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) and thank you to all I have served with while at CJOC. It has been a demanding, yet immensely rewarding three years as Commander, and I am extremely proud of all the work we have accomplished.”

Vice-Admiral Bob Auchterlonie, Outgoing Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command

Change of Command, 1 Canadian Air Division (1 CAD), Canadian NORAD Region (CANR), Joint Force Air Component, and Search and Rescue Region Trenton

In an important ceremony held at 17 Wing/Canadian Forces Base Winnipeg, Major-General Chris McKenna officially took over leadership of 1 Canadian Air Division (CAD), the Canadian NORAD Region (CANR), the Joint Force Air Component (JFAC), and the Search and Rescue Region Trenton from Major-General Iain Huddleston. This transition marks a significant moment for the Canadian Armed Forces, as it was overseen by top military officials including General Gregory Guillot, Commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD); Lieutenant-General Eric Kenny, Commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF); and Lieutenant-General Steve Boivin, Commander of the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC).

“The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) was truly fortunate to have had Major-General (MGen) Huddleston command 1 Canadian Air Division (1CAD). As his predecessor, I know how challenging this role is, and MGen Huddleston’s service as commander was outstanding. I am also very pleased to welcome MGen McKenna to his new command. Having just served as a member of my team in Ottawa, I know he is the right person to lead 1 CAD during this unprecedented period of modernization,” expressed Lieutenant-General Eric Kenny, Commander, Royal Canadian Air Force.

Prior to this new role, MGen McKenna served as the Director General Air and Space Force Development, where his contributions were pivotal in the enhancement and procurement of various advanced capabilities for the RCAF. These include the CC-330 Husky Strategic Transport and Tanker Capability, the P-8 Poseidon Canadian Multi-Mission Aircraft, and the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System, among others.

“Continuity of command during leader transition ensures stability, maintains mission integrity, and fosters future growth. As we farewell Major-General Huddleston and welcome Major-General McKenna, I have no doubt that the mission of the Canadian NORAD Region has essential stability and CANR will continue to be professionally and expertly led,” said General Gregory M. Guillot, Commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command.

With a background as a pilot of the CH-146 Griffon and CH-147F Chinook, MGen McKenna’s career is distinguished by his command of 1 Wing, the tactical aviation wing of the RCAF. He has also served as the Air Task Force Commander for the United Nations’ Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali and worked closely with Canada’s Special Operations Forces. His extensive experience includes multiple deployments to Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Mali, where he has commanded at every level within the tactical aviation community.

“The Joint Force Air Component Commander is one of the most challenging command roles in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). During Major-General (MGen) Huddleston’s time in command, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) has maintained a high operational tempo at home and abroad; this is a testament to the professionalism of our members and to the leadership of MGen Huddleston. MGen Huddleston has done a tremendous job in command of air operations, and I look forward to working with MGen McKenna as we continue to defend Canada and our interests around the world,” conveyed Lieutenant-General Steve Boivin, Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command.

This change of command signifies a new chapter for the Canadian Armed Forces, reflecting a continuation of leadership excellence and strategic development within the RCAF and its allied operations.

MGen Chris McKenna took command of 1 Canadian Air Division (1 CAD), Canadian NORAD Region, Joint Force Air Component, and Search and Rescue Region Trenton from MGen Iain Huddleston at 1 CAD Headquarters in Winnipeg.

Canadian Army Change of Command

On July 12th, Lieutenant General Michael Wright assumed the appointment of Commander, Canadian Army, from Lieutenant General Jocelyn (Joe) Paul during a ceremony held at the Salaberry Armoury in Gatineau, Quebec.

General Wayne Eyre, Chief of the Defence Staff, presided over the ceremony.

LGen Wright, as a PPCLI company commander, served with 1 RCR during Op MEDUSA, receiving the Medal of Military Valour (MMV). Once a Royal Canadian, always a Royal Canadian.

Lieutenant-General Wright holds an Honours Degree in History and Political Science and a Masters of Defence Studies from RMC, is a graduate of the National Security Programme, and has completed the Joint Force Land Component Commander Course at the US Army War College. He and his wife Hilary live in Ottawa and their two adult sons live in Southern Ontario.

Change of Command 22 Wing/Canadian Forces Base (CFB) North Bay

On Thursday, July 18, Colonel Joseph Oldford took command of 22 Wing/Canadian Forces Base (CFB) North Bay, Ont. from Colonel Richard Jolette in a Change of Command ceremony presided over by 1 Canadian Air Division Commander Major-General Chris McKenna.

22 Wing/CFB North Bay is the RCAF’s central wing for guarding North American air sovereignty, providing surveillance, identification, control, and warning for the aerospace defence of the continent.

Change of Command, 8 Wing Trenton, Royal Canadian Air Force

IN OMNIA PARATUS – Change of Command, 8 Wing Trenton, Royal Canadian Air Force

On July 17th, Colonel Andy Bowser assumed command of 8 Wing Trenton from Colonel Leighton James during a ceremony held in front of Wing Headquarters.

Major General Chris McKenna, OMM, MSC, MSM, CD, Commander, 1 Canadian Air Division, presided over the ceremony.

Change of Appointment, 3 Canadian Space Division (3 CSD)

On June 28th, Chief Warrant Officer James Marshall assumed the appointment of the 3 CSD Chief Warrant Officer from Chief Warrant Officer Deb Martens during a ceremony held at NDHQ. Brigadier General (retd) G. Michael Adamson, (at that time) Commander 3 CSD, presided over the ceremony.

Change of Command, 3 Canadian Space Division

On June 28th, Brigadier General Christopher Horner assumed command of 3 Canadian Space Division from Brigadier General G. Michael Adamson during a ceremony held at NDHQ.

Vice Admiral (retd) Bob Auchterlonie, (at that time) Commander, Canadian Joint Operations Command, presided over the ceremony.

The Partners and Associates of CFN Consultants wish all the best to Brigadier General Adamson on his retirement from the Canadian Armed Forces | Forces armées canadiennes.

Thank you, and the family that supported you, for your service to Canada, Canadians and the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Change of Appointment, Command Chief Petty Officer (CCPO), Royal Canadian Navy | Marine royale canadienne (RCN)

Ready, Aye Ready – On July 11th, Chief Petty Officer 1st Pascal Harel assumed the appointment of RCN CCPO from Chief Petty Officer 1st Thomas Lizotte during a ceremony held at NDHQ.

Vice Admiral Angus Topshee, Commander, Royal Canadian Navy, presided over the ceremony.

Change of Appointment, 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (2 CMBG), Brigade Sergeant Major (BSM)

AUDACIA ET FORTITUDO -On June 28th, Chief Warrant Officer Lawrence Schnurr assumed the appointment of 2 CMBG BSM from Chief Warrant Officer Donovan Crawford during a ceremony held at Garrison Petawawa.

Colonel (at that time) Jay MacKeen, MSM, CD, (at that time) Commander, 2 CMBG, presided over the ceremony.

 Change of Appointment, Canadian Joint Warfare Centre Chief Warrant Officer

NOVITAS ET INVENTIO – On June 26, Chief Petty Officer 1st Jean-Francois Bouillon assumed the appointment of CJWC CWO from Chief Warrant Officer Stephane Gaudreau during a ceremony held at CJWC in Ottawa.

Colonel (at that time) Christopher Horner, (at that time) Commander, CJWC, presided over the ceremony.

Change of Appointment, Canadian Army, Army Sergeant Major

VIGILAMUS PRO TE – On July 12th, Chief Warrant Officer Christopher Robin assumed the appointment of Army Sergeant Major, Canadian Army, from Chief Warrant Officer Jim Smith, MMM, CD, during a ceremony held at the Salaberry Armoury in Gatineau, Quebec.

Lieutenant General (retd) Jocelyn Paul, (at that time) Commander, Canadian Army, presided over the ceremony.

Change of Command, 2e Division du Canada

On June 28th, Brigadier General Patrick Lemyre assumed command of the 2e Division du Canada from (at that time) Brigadier General Dave Abboud, during a ceremony held at the Montreal Garrison.


Lieutenant General (retd) Jocelyn Paul, (at that time) Commander, Canadian Army, presided over the ceremony.

Change of Command, 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (2 CMBG)

AUDACIA ET FORTITUDO –On June 28th, Colonel Kris Reeves assumed command of 2 CMBG from Colonel (at that time) Jay MacKeen, MSM, CD, during a ceremony held at Garrison Petawawa.


Brigadier General Josh Major, (at that time) Commander 4th Canadian Division, presided over the ceremony.

Change of Command, 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (1 CMBG)

SEMPER VIGILANS –On June 26th, Colonel Sean French assumed command of 1 CMBG from Colonel Phil Bourque during a ceremony held at Garrison Edmonton.


Brigadier General Steven Graham, Commander, 3rd Canadian Division, presided over the ceremony.

Change of Command CFB Halifax

July 24, Captain(N) Annick Fortin assumed command of Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax from Capt(N) Andy MacKenzie during a Change of Command ceremony held outside of the Naval Museum of Halifax at CFB Halifax, Stadacona. Rear-Admiral Josée Kurtz, Commander Maritime Forces Atlantic (MARLANT) and Joint Task Force Atlantic, presided over the ceremony, which included music from the The Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy, an Indigenous smudging ceremony, reflections from a military chaplain, and the signing of certificates.
Capt(N) Fortin will lead #CFBHalifax, and keep watch as warden of the North Atlantic, continuing her impressive 33-year (and counting) career in the Canadian Armed Forces and Royal Canadian Navy. As our 47th Base Commander, Capt(N) Fortin will lead a skilled team of approximately 1,400 #DefenceTeam members who provide administrative, logistics, information technology, and executive services support as well as port operations and emergency services to MARLANT, local lodger units, and the 10,000 Canadian Armed Forces members and civilian Department of National Defence employees who live and work in the Halifax region. She will also become the regional Defence Visible Minorities Advisory Group Champion and maintain a strong connection to our friends and neighbours across the Halifax Regional Municipality.
Congratulations to Capt(N) Fortin as you embark on this new leadership journey! And many thanks to Capt(N) MacKenzie for your dedication and contributions to our Base team these past two years – wishing you fair winds and following seas!

Change of Command 19 Wing CFB Comox

July 23, Colonel Chris Shapka took command of 19 Wing/Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Comox, B.C., from Colonel Jean-Philippe Gagnon in a Change of Command ceremony presided over by 1 Canadian Air Division Deputy Commander Force Generation, Brigadier General Ronald Walker.

Photo Credit: Master Corporal Parker Salustro, Canadian Forces photo.

19 Wing Comox is the home of 407 Long Range Patrol Squadron and is the RCAF’s centre of excellence for Search and Rescue.

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