Total pledges and donations now stand at over $45,000 and are on track to exceed $50,000 by Reunion Weekend. Total amount raised for sports in the 4 canoe trips… a quarter of a million dollars!
7067 Walter Staples (Class of ’66) is offering a signed copy of his book “May the Healing Begin” to anyone who pledges or donates at least $100 to RMC sports via the Chasse-Galerie canoe trip. Please donate online or phone the RMC Foundation at 1-888-386-3762 to make a tax-deductible donation. Books can be picked up during lunch at Yeo Hall (New Gym) after the parade on Saturday, 1 Oct – until 2PM.
The book was written for soldiers and their families with mental or emotional challenges including acute stress, anxiety, depression, anger, insomnia and PTSD. The Department of National Defence has printed and distributed 15,000 copies to Canadian soldiers returning from Afghanistan. Note that remedies presented in the book include only drug-free and clinically-proven ways to manage and control your thoughts, mood and feelings.
“I applaud this initiative as well as the effort and dedication evident in this book by Dr. Walter Doyle Staples, himself a former officer. Every Canadian is in debt to our serving men and women in uniform. By making material such as this available to them, we are necessarily helping them and their families move on with their lives, and allowing them to contribute once again to society.”
– Lewis MacKenzie, Major-General (Retired), former Commander, NATO Forces in Bosnia
Three previous voyages raised a total of $200,000 for athletics at RMC. Donations have doubled with each trip, from $28,000 in 2000, $57,000 in 2001, to $115,000 in 2006. The funds raised in 2006 were committed to the Danny McLeod Athletic Endowment Fund in honour of one of our most well-known sports personalities. This fund supports the entire spectrum of varsity athletics at RMC. The balance at the end of 2010 stood at $142,000. If the sun shines and “the creek don’t rise” the paddlers aim to get the fund above $200,000 this year.
Give athletics a boost and give the “Maj” a 90th birthday present – pledge a paddler now and pay later! Pick your favourite from the photo gallery on the RMC Foundation website. You may also make a pledge or tax-deductible donation by calling Jennifer Jordan at 1-888-386-3762.
“Logo courtesy of Sleeman/Unibroue”
Meet the 2011 paddlers
Class of 1960 4815 Mike Jackson
Class of 1960 H4860 John de Chastelain
Class of 1963 5893 Tom Gee
Class of 1968 H7543 Joe Day
Class of 1971 8684 Peter Holt
Class of 1971 8725 Fergus McLaughlin
Class of 1971 8788 Geoff Bennett
Class of 1971 8816 Marius Grinius
Class of 1971 8833 John Leggat
Class of 1971 8926 Ray Hook
Class of 1972 9143 Bruce McAlpine
Class of 1983 M0288 Roxanne Rees
Class of 1986 15414 Catherine Paquet-Rivard
Class of 1997 20800 Cindy McAlpine
Class of 2002 22461 Claire Bramma
2011 Itinerary Here
Catherine Paquet-Rivardhas set up a web page at www.chasse-galerie.org. Follow the progress daily