  • 4606 Warner Sharkey Class of 1959

  • 13462  Mr. Sylvain Laporte (CMR RMC ’83) / 13462 M. Sylvain Laporte (CMR RMC ’83)

  • M0642 Major Michael Hans Groh (RMC 1994)

  • Souper Gala 2015

  • Good News Story @ CWM

  • In His Own Words…2Lt (26031) George Sun, 6 Squadron, Class of 2015

    More / plus

4606 Warner Sharkey Class of 1959

Warner Sharkey a highly respected and well known Senior Wireless Engineer from the Greater New York City Area is still going strong and doing great things.

Warner recently met the tough requirements and has been licensed to practice as a P.E. Electrical, Electronics in the State of New York. He already holds a P.E. in Delaware, and a P.Eng. (ON).

Warner formed a company in New York City to design, build and sell micro-embedded control systems world wide. These will form objects and systems collectively known as the “Internet of Things”, which led him to name the company iOTA World Inc.

iOTA World completed a management study for the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) police for a new radio system covering the entire area of MTA rail system; Long Island, Hudson River lines. Objective was to validate acquisition and construction costs prior to commitment to design/build RFP responses.

iOTA World completed an EMI study with recommendations for RF interference mitigation caused by LED lighting in Trans-Hudson tunnels


Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that 13462  Mr. Sylvain Laporte (CMR RMC ’83) has been appointed as the new President of the Canadian Space Agency.


Le Premier ministre Stephen Harper a annoncé aujourd’hui la nomination du nouveau président de l’Agence spatiale canadienne. Il s’agit de 13462 M. Sylvain Laporte (CMR RMC ’83).



Sylvain Laporte – Article



M0642 Major Michael Hans Groh (RMC 1994) O.M.M., C.D. a former member of Otter Squadron was one of the Ex Cadets honoured in the Feb 26th Order of Military Merit Investiture ceremony.

Michael Joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1982 as a Teletype and Cypher Technician. He graduated from the Royal Military College in 1994 with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. Has earned a MSc in Engineering from the University of Arizona in 2000 and a MBA from the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management in 2014. Currently with IM Gp in Ottawa, delivering the CAF’s newest strategic communication system Mercury Global.



Souper Gala 2015plus

Souper Gala 2015plus

Après une période d’échanges et de rattrapage sur l’année écoulée, les convives se sont déplacés en direction de la salle à manger à l’étage où le président du chapitre, Jean Drouin, a souhaité la bienvenue à tout le monde. Il en a aussi profité pour souligner la présence du Lgén (ret) Richard Évraire, notre conférencier pour la soirée, du Col Dany Fortin, le commandant du 5e Groupe-brigade mécanisé du Canada, de M. Marc Imbeault, doyen à l’enseignement et à la recherche au Collège militaire royal de St.-Jean, M. Claude Tassé, président du chapitre du Fort St.-Jean du Club des CMRC et de M. Al Roberts, adjudant émérite de la Vieille Brigade sortant. Il en a aussi profité pour souligner la présence de douze élèves-officiers venus du CMRSJ pour partager avec nous cette rencontre annuelle.


Short good news story!

From: Ashlee.Beattie@warmuseum.ca

Subject: Flowers delivered to the CWM in honour of Veterans and Serving Members

Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2015

Dear Volunteer Interpreters,

Today the Canadian War Museum received roses from Alta Vista Flowers with the following message:

“We would like to express our gratitude for all Veterans and people in service that fight to keep our world safe and protect our freedom.

– All of the Staff at Alta Vista Flowers”

The flowers were put in the volunteer lounge, and the CWM will be sending a thank you note to Alta Vista Flowers for their kind gesture.

Wishing you all a pleasant weekend,

Ashlee Beattie – Training Coordinator – Canadian War Museum


In His Own Words…

2Lt (26031) George Sun, 6 Squadron, Class of 2015

I spent my summer in Cold Lake for my AERE Preparatory Phase, working with 410TF(OT)S. I am currently undergoing the AOBC in Borden.

RMC is an experience that I’ll always cherish. Despite it not seeming so at the time, RMC will develop crucial skills that you will rely on multiple times in your career, such as time management and problem solving skills. Enjoy every moment you can, because you’ll graduate before you know it.

The amount of people you meet in the CF that have graduated from RMC is incredible. Keep in touch with all your friends and classmates. You never know where you might meet them down the road, and what you guys can do for each other.
