
Avis de décès
13362 Gaétan “Nounours” Brosseau

Ce gentil géant au grand coeur nous a quitté subitement dans son sommeil le 29 septembre 2014 à l’âge de 53 ans. Il venait tout juste de devenir propriétaire et président avec son épouse des Ateliers Non-Tech inc.   Ste-Catherine de la Jacques-Cartier.

Mari dévoué de la  Dre Edith Veillette, chiropraticienne et  père de famille aimant et  très fier de ses enfants Marc (24 ans) et Elyse ( 19 ans),  il était le premier né de Lise et Robert  et grand frère de Line (Dennis) et de Jean (Karine). Il laisse aussi dans le deuil son neveu et filleul Louis-Philipe, sa nièce Gabrielle, ses neveux Charles-Antoine et Laurent, sa grand-mère maternelle Fernande ainsi que plusieurs tantes et oncles, cousins, cousines et leurs enfants. Il manquera à ses beaux-parents: Madeleine et Jean-Paul, son beau-frère Yvan (Julie) ainsi qu’aux autres membres des familles Veillette et Lacerte.

Sont aussi ébranlés par son départ, nombreux amis, voisins et connaissances du monde du travail, des cadets et du biathlon.

Homme de cœur : Ce colosse  a su touché un nombre incalculable de personnes par sa personnalité, sa générosité, sa gentillesse et a partagé son leadership par l’exemple auprès de collègues et des jeunes.

Homme de tête : Cet ancien  joueur de football  du CMR St-Jean a œuvré  en tant que gestionnaire de plusieurs grands projets d’ingénierie reliés de près ou de loin à la défense nationale . Retraité du Royal 22 ième Régiment il a mit  à profit ses expertises chez DEW Engineering, Promaxis, Rheinmetall Canada et ADGA.

Homme d’action : Par son fils il a renoué avec  le mouvement des cadets  allant même à devenir commandant du CCMRC 236 Gatineau. Son implication avec le biathlon des cadets l’a mené à être  l’instigateur de la renaissance du champ de tir de biathlon au Camp Fortune portant à bout de bras ce sport en Outaouais et l’Est Ontarien. Son implication s’est fait ressentir auprès des cadets, du Chelsea Nordiq Biathlon, de  l’équipe du Québec ( ACBQ) ainsi que la parolympienne Caroline Bisson.

Il y aura 2 célébrations de sa vie en présence des cendres compte tenu que Gaétan partageait son temps entre sa famille à Gatineau et son entreprise à Ste-Catherine de la Jacques-Cartier.

13362 Gatineau-Chelsea
Samedi le 11 octobre dès 10h30
Centre Meredith, 23 Chemin Cecil, Chelsea, Qc J9B 0A5

Région de Québec
Samedi le 25 octobre dès 10h30

Base Forces Canadienne Valcartier  (édifice à confirmer)
Route de la bravoure,  Shannon, Qc G0A 4N0

La célébration sera à son image, empreinte de simplicité lui qui aimait écouter les gens. La famille veut entendre vos anecdotes vécues ou vos faits cocasses après l’entrée des cendres et ce jusqu’à midi.  Un gouter suivra pour ceux et celles qui aimeraient échanger avec la famille et les amis de Gaétan.

Mettez du rouge en l’honneur de Gaétan (T-shirts, foulard, cravate, etc.) Merci d’éviter les casquettes ou l’uniforme pour cette célébration civile.

La famille désire remercier: André, Marie et Louis F., Drs Christine B., Pierre B.,  et Andrée-Anne B., Line D., Gilles R., Sylvain St-P., Mario P. , Pierre M. , Daniel R., Tim D., Anne G., Jenny et Pablo S., Katia V., France D., Christine F., Normand G., les anges de La Source de Vitalité Carmen, Jeneviève et  Chantal ainsi que les nombreuses personnes qui se sont manifestés pour alléger notre peine.

Vos marques de sympathie peuvent se traduire par des dons à la Ligue des cadets de l’Armée du Canada (Biathlon Cadets Québec) ou au  programme Placements Sports- ACBQ , chèques à l’ordre de Sports-Québec et indication au bas du chèque ACBQ.

Faites parvenir vos photos de Gaétan au lien: <> ou  via courriel  à : [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> pour imager la célébration de sa vie.

Vos messages de condoléances peuvent être envoyés à : [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> .  Ou à:  [email protected]


14200 Stephan Carignan, Class of 1984

Stephan Carignan was born in 1962 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He entered CMR Saint-Jean in 1979 as a Pilot.

In memoriam… Stephan Carignan: The sky was not the limit

Aerospace test pilot Stephan Carignan

It is with sadness that we learned of the death of Stephan Carignan, dedicated NRC Aerospace test pilot of almost 20 years and loyal colleague and friend, following a valiant battle with cancer, on September 14, 2014. Stephan was a valuable team member of NRC’s Flight Research Laboratory, where he was much appreciated and will be deeply missed.

At age 9, Stephan had already found his calling. His father was an airplane mechanic in Bagotville, Québec, and at that young age Stephan already knew he would be a test pilot. Before he even learned to drive, he obtained his glider’s license. And that is where his illustrious career took flight. He obtained a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree in 1984 from the Royal Military College of Canada and attained his military helicopter license in 1985. In 1990, he became a test pilot with the Department of National Defense where he served 15 years in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), including five years as a naval aviator and four years in a military test facility.

Stephan came to NRC in 1996, where he spent over 18 years becoming one of the organization’s most seasoned and versatile test pilots with almost 6,700 hours of flying time under his belt, more than 5,000 of those as a test pilot. He piloted 45 different types of aircraft and took part in a variety of high-profile projects, including flights to test many advanced vision systems and augmented control laws, and the development of the flight envelope for the NRC Advanced Research System’s fly-by-wire aircraft.

Stephan’s contributions to aeronautics garnered him many prestigious awards. In February 2005, he received the NRC Outstanding Achievement Award for his exceptional contribution to the Enhanced Synthetic Vision System project. In June of that year, he was awarded the American Helicopter Society (AHS) Gruppo Agusta International Fellowship Award for his contributions to the Sikorsky/NRC fly-by-wire team. He was awarded The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP) Outstanding Achievement Award in April 2008 for his role in the “Integrated Visionic, Sensor, and Mission Systems for Day, Night, All-Weather Rotorcraft Operations” project.

However, he received what was perhaps his most significant accolade from the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) in December 2012. At a ceremony in London, U.K., they bestowed on him the RAeS Bronze Medal for his work leading to advances in aerospace as well as the coveted RAeS Alan Marsh Medal for his outstanding contribution to helicopter research, development and safety, which is recognized worldwide. The Marsh Medal is reserved for the exemplary members of international flight test crews. Stephan certainly was a team player, always humbly crediting his entire crew for the success of projects.

As we look back on the memorable career of an esteemed colleague and remember a dear friend, it becomes clear that for Stephan, the sky was not the limit – it was his playground. Written by Matt Ward

Russell soccer team salutes two lost teammates

The Russell Soccer Club

Ed Note:

As Stephan received his flying licence through the air cadets and was a very passionate pilot, the family would like to set up a bursary for keen pilots from the 632 Air Cadet Squadron in Orleans, Ontario. Donations can be made by sending a check or PayPal to Serge Carignan. (Please email for more info) Serge would then donate the total amount to the Air Cadet Squadron, which in turn would issues charity receipts.

14199 Serge Carignan ([email protected])


5220 TURCOTTE, John Gerald “Gerry” – Class of 1961

Peacefully, in Hospital, Thursday, October 9, 2014, at the age of 75. Beloved husband of Ernestine “Tina” (nee Lambert). Loving father of Raymond, Andrew (Tawna), Gordon (Christine), John and George. Cherished grandfather of Ashley, Desmond, Cameron, Devery, Tianna, Alyssa, Austin and Shaun. Dear brother of Jim (Adeline), Ron (Patricia) and Elaine. Friends may pay respects at the
Kelly Funeral Home, Kanata Chapel
580 Eagleson Road, Kanata, ON, K2M 1H4
Tuesday, October 14, 2014 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday, October 15, 2014 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Funeral Wednesday to St. Michael’s Church, Corkery for Mass of Christian Funeral at 2 p.m. Gifts in memory of Gerry can be made to the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada to support Brain Tumour Research Studentships , 620 Colborne St., Suite 301, London ON N6B 3R9 or

Condolences and Sharing Memories may be made at – See more at:
