Just prior to e-Veritas 5 going to press – we received word that 2Lt François-Olivier Gauthier (RMC 2009) passed away suddenly at CFB Borden. No other details are available at this time. We expect to update this post as the week progresses and as more details become available.
The funeral ceremony for François-Olivier is scheduled for Sat, 6 Feb:
– Urn showing begining at 1000
– Ceremony at 1400
The location for the showing, ceremony, and reception will be :
Centre Funéraire Yves Houle
180 rue Prince
Sorel-Tracy, QC
The family has requested that instead of flowers, they would prefer donations to “Action suicide” (charity).
Here is the link to the french obituary:
Dennis Diaper – RMC professor for 35 years from 1950 to 1984.
An acclaimed scientist who also enjoyed an international music career has died.
Dennis Diaper will be remembered for his ‘official’ career as a chemist and his ‘unofficial’ career in choral music. Both allowed him to travel the globe.
Born in Portsmouth in the 1920s, Dennis was educated at Northern Secondary School and went to Oxford in 1943, entering Oriel College as the Wraxhall Scholar.
There he studied under Sir Robert Robinson, winner of the 1947 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
Excelling as a scientist, he was involved in research projects on anti-malarial medicines.
During that time he completed his five years military service in the RAF Reserves.
After marrying Edwina Clapson on July 30, 1949, he moved to Canada, where he was recruited by the Royal Military College, where he was a professor for 35 years from 1950 to 1984.
He also took leave to teach at the University of Lusaka, Zambia, where he was briefly head of chemistry and then dean of science, the University of Ilorin in Nigeria as head of chemistry, and the National University of Lesotho, again as head of chemistry.
In Zambia, he supervised the construction of the new chemistry building at the university.
Through his science career, he published more than 100 articles in scientific journals.
Dennis retired from university teaching in 1992, and with Edwina enjoyed his retirement, travelling the world and dividing his time between Malta and Portsmouth.
With no formal training, Dennis managed an international musical career in choral music, both sacred and secular, spanning eight decades, from St. Mark’s Church, North End, Portsmouth, at eight years of age, to St Thomas’ Church, Bedhampton, just days before his death.
Among his notable musical achievements were singing Duruflé’s Requiem under the direction of the composer Marie-Madeleine Chevalier in the cathedral at Carpentras in France.
He passed away peacefully after a brief illness. He was 84.
Dennis, of Bedhampton Hill, Bedhampton, is survived by his children Oriel, Megan, Charles, and Mark and three grandchildren.
A memorial service will take place at St Thomas’ Church, Bedhampton, on February 3 at 1pm. Source
3328 Valiquette, Joseph Brian
It is with great sadness that we announce the peaceful passing of our father, Joseph Brian Valiquette, at the age of 78, on January 22, 2010 in Ottawa, Ontario. Brian was born in Detroit, Michigan on August 9, 1931. He attended Royal Roads Military College in Victoria, B.C. from 1950 to 1952, graduating with honours. He retired from the Royal Canadian Navy after ten years of service and subsequently worked as a civilian for the Department of National Defence. He is predeceased by his parents, Walter and Inez Valiquette and his son Michael. He is survived by Blanche Valiquette (nee: Gerard), of Victoria, B.C. and their children Douglas, Lynda, Elizabeth, Mark, and Christopher; his granddaughter Tamara and his grandson Bryce. Our family love remained strong through the years and we are deeply saddened. We will miss you, Dad, and will never forget your laughter and sense of humour which live on in each of your children as your gift to us. At Dad’s request, a special mass was conducted on Saturday, January 30, 2010, at St. Maurice Catholic Church, 4 Perry Street, Ottawa. The family wishes to thank the staff and palliative caregivers at Carlingview Manor for their excellent care and constant attendance. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Kidney Foundation of Canada or Canadian Diabetes Association would be appreciated. Source
5760 Jean Caron (CMR RMC 1963)
Caron, Jean 1940 – 2010 À son domicile, le 27 janvier 2010, à l’âge de 69 ans, est décédé, paisiblement et entouré des siens, monsieur Jean Caron, époux de madame Jeannine Cossette. Il laisse dans le deuil ses enfants : Jean-Philippe (Lyne Jutras) et Patricia (Bernard Roy), ses petits-enfants : Audrey, Viviane et Christophe, ainsi que de nombreux parents et amis La famille recevra vos condoléances au 231, boul. Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Beloeil (Québec) J3G 4G9 Téléphone : (450) 467-4780 Télécopieur : (450) 467-9468 [email protected] le vendredi 29 janvier 2010 de 19 h à 22h, le samedi 30 janvier 2010 dès 11 h. Une liturgie de la parole sera célébrée à 13h30 au salon. Sincères remerciements à l’équipe d’oncologie de l’hôpital Honoré-Mercier de St-Hyacinthe. Des dons à la fondation Guy Bourgeois contre le cancer seraient appréciés. Des formulaires seront disponibles au salon. Source