Ex cadets are writing
Researched by Victoria Edwards
Theses Canada acquires and preserves Canadian theses at Library and Archives Canada (LAC). You can locate a specific thesis from the Royal Military College of Canada in Library and Archives Canada’s collection. Here
23502 Sarah Carroll McRae (RMC 2006) Trajectory planning for a quadruped robot. She is a robotics specialist with the Canadian Space Agency. [email protected]
22226 Christian Lemire (RMC 2002) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle trajectory tracking using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic . He is a DMS project specialist at NDHQ. [email protected]
19986 Ryan Craig Solomon (RRMC RMC 1996) An investigation in high frequency range bistatic radar cross section values of complex structures . He works for the materiel group at NDHQ. [email protected]
23418 Didier Guillaume Hugues Belanger (RMC 2006) Trajectory planning with ant colony optimization. [email protected]
21097 Daniel Joseph Jehan (CMR RMC 1998) Effect of sensor placement on measuring higher modes of vibration for a thin flexible cantilever beam in free vibration. He is IHMO at 1 Canadian Air Division in Trenton. [email protected]
22217 Holly Lemire (RMC 2002) Improving Probability of Detection for bolt hole eddy current inspection . She works in the materiel group at NDHQ. [email protected]
22583 Stephen Robert Dale Guy (RMC 2003) Optical patternation of fuel sprays in a gas turbine combustion chamber under operationally representative flow conditions. [email protected]
16496 Raymond (Ray) Joseph Stockermans (RMC 1988) Demonstration of a photonic bandgap in resonant waveguide grating systems. He is CDO at 8 wing in Astra. [email protected]
21991 Paul C. Hungler (RMC 2001) Development and evaluation of a water removal technique for the CF188 rudder. He is a student at RMC in Kingston. [email protected]
Capt Joseph Martin Simon Henault. Analysis and optimization of a compact array of wire elements for wideband direction finding in tactical electronic warfare. He is at RMC in Kingston. [email protected]
22244 Vincent Dagenais (RMC 2002) Torpedo angle and range estimations using multi-paths signals and a modified fast orthogonal search algorithm. He is a Sensor / MIDS TL in the Materiel Group at Mirabel. [email protected]
M0752 John James Heffernan (RMC 1998) The global maritime partnership: the necessity and limits of U.S.-sponsored maritime security co-operation. He is DMS 3-3 in Chief of the Maritime Staff at NDHQ. [email protected]
M0808 Martin E. Campbell (RMC 2003) Investigation of the interference threat from a wireless network to aircraft avionics systems. He is DAEPM(M) 5-4-9 in the Materiel Group at Cold Lake. [email protected]
22245 Jean-Olivier Berger (RMC 2002) Reinforced concrete columns strengthened with SRP and CFRP to resist blast loads. He is SET Comd at O engineering support unit in Moncton. [email protected]
23789 Benjamin Bruce Nasmith (RMC 2007) Extending the London theory to include steady-state electric fields in superconductivity. He is B Flt 15 Wing in MooseJaw. [email protected]
20043 Trevor John Cadeau (RRMC RMC 2005) Increased field depth penetration with pulsed eddy current . He is ARMF with 1 Canadian Air Division in Trenton. [email protected]
22513 Julie M.A. Perreault (RMC 2003) Augmented Kalman filter/artificial intelligence for inertial sensors/GPS data fusion. She is with the Materiel Group at AETE in Cold Lake. [email protected]
22658 Ryan Gregg (RMC 2003) Performance of two full-scale model geosynthetic-reinforced retaining walls constructed with a sandy-silt backfill soil.He is deployed to the PRT SITE in Kandahar Afghanistan. [email protected]