
Ex-Cadet Seeking Immigration Help

e-Veritas has recently learned that an Ex-Cadet in the Kingston area, in the process of transitioning out of the Forces, is looking to move to the United States to be with his wife. This individual is trying to navigate the complex immigration process, and would appreciate any tips/suggestions/advice that other Ex-Cadets who have been through this process may have to offer. Anyone interested in helping is asked to contact Bill Oliver for more details.


Golden girl comes home

Fourteen years ago, way back at the turn of the millennium, Olympian 17324 Sharon Donnelly dropped by Mgr. Remy Gaulin elementary separate school to sign autographs and share her memories of the 2000 Summer Games in Australia.


Retirement of 6349 Alain Pellerin and Appointment of  M050 Tony Battista as Executive Director of CDA and CDA Institute

The Conference of Defence Associations (CDA) and the CDA Institute announce the retirement of Alain Pellerin, and the appointment of Tony Battista as Executive Director of the CDA and CDA Institute.

Alain Pellerin joined the CDA and CDA Institute in July 1998. For the past decade and a half he has been instrumental in the growth of these two organizations and has brought all CDA and CDA Institute associated events and activities to an unprecedented level of ambition and success. Alain stepped down as Executive Director on 21 February 2014, but will remain active with the CDA Institute Board of Directors. The CDA and CDA Institute – and indeed the broader Canadian Security and Defence community – thank him for his outstanding service and wish him well with his new endeavours. He can be reached via email at [email protected]

His successor, Tony Battista, joins the CDA and CDA Institute following a 40-year career with the Canadian Armed Forces. His biography is available on the CDA Institute website. He can be reached at the CDA and the CDA Institute by phone +1 (613) 236-1252 and by email [email protected]


Départ à la retraite d’Alain Pellerin et nomination de Tony Battista comme directeur exécutif de la CAD et de l’Institut de la CAD

La Conférence des associations de la défense (CAD) et l’Institut de la CAD annoncent le départ à la retraite du Alain Pellerin et la nomination de Tony Battista comme directeur exécutif de la CAD et de l’Institut de la CAD.

Alain Pellerin s’est joint à la CAD et à l’Institut de la CAD en juillet 1998. Pendant la dernière décennie et demie il a été un instrument de croissance de ces deux organisations et apporté à tous les événements et toutes les activités associés à la CAD et à l’Institut de la CAD un niveau sans précédent d’ambition et de succès. Alain s’est retiré du poste de directeur exécutif le 21 février 2014, mais il va rester actif auprès du conseil d’administration de l’Institut. La CAD et l’Institut de la CAD – et, de fait, l’ensemble de la communauté canadienne de la défense et de la sécurité – le remercient pour son service exceptionnel et lui souhaitent bon succès dans ses nouvelles entreprises. On peut le rejoindre par courriel à [email protected]

Son successeur, Tony Battista, se joint à la CAD et à l’Institut de la CAD après une carrière de 40 ans dans les Forces armées canadiennes. On pourra consulter sa biographie sur le site web de l’Institut de la CAD. On peut le joindre à la CAD et l’Institut de la CAD, par téléphone, au +1 (613) 236-1252, et par courriel, à l’adresse [email protected]


Minor injuries after fire aboard HMCS Protecteur

“It took some time to get that fire out,” he told reporters Friday. “We’re still assessing the damage at this point.”

17793 Commodore Bob Auchterlonie  Source



Expedition Club on the Parliament Hill

Article by: 26951  OCdt Ali Mansour

Since 2002, February 12th has marked the annual day to prevent child soldiering. This year the Expedition Club’s Outreach Officers were invited to Parliament Hill by 7860 Senator Roméo A. Dallaire as his special guests in order to recognize their efforts in renewing the Club’s partnership with the Romeo Dallaire Child Soldier Initiative.

OCdt Ali Mansour, 26851, and OCdt Samantha McDermott, 26314, attended a luncheon where the second edition of Child Soldiers: A Handbook for Security Sector Actors, was released. After the luncheon, the two OCdts had the opportunity to witness the Senator’s address to the Senate where he recognized past and continuing contributions of RMC’s Expedition Club to the Child Soldier Initiative.

Entire speech by Senator Dallaire – International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers

