
Peace & Conflict Management


A tip of the hat to the following members who just recently updated their Club membership status: Chapeau aux membres suivants qui ont tout récemment mis à jour leur adhésion au Club:

6380 Marc Jette; 6326 Walter S Yankowich; 6719 Michel Matte – Lifetime Membership;10627 Edward Smith; 3384 Charlie Kingston.


101 e-Veritas Sponsors – a very special thanks to:

26664 Zacharie Marshall – Gold Level.


In This Issue 23:

To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key.

To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key.

  • Ex-Cadets & More in the News

  • Debates of the Senate (Hansard):

          Royal Military College—Selection of Principal

  • Class of ’64 grad donates 4,000 rare and unusual volumes to the F.F. Library

  • The Way it Was In Photos

  • Former DCdt Tim Ryley In Conversation with Victoria Edwards

  • What are these 24 up to these days…?

  • Opinion: Disabled and Homeless Veterans

  • LFTSP & ATWOP – Year-End Wrap-up

  • RMC Saint-Jean & Operation Husky 2013

  • Catching Up With the News

  • RRMC Memories: “RR Paverstones for 2013?

  • Jobs – Careers / Carrières

  • Deaths | Décès

  • Reunion Weekends: Saint-Jean; Victoria & Kingston & More Notices…



RMCC will award US Senator John McCain an Honourary Doctorate in Military Science. This degree will be presented to Senator McCain by the MND at a special ceremony to be held at the Canadian Embassy in Washington DC on 18 Jun 13.

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