Congratulations on your passing off the square as Officers in the Canadian Armed Forces. This is truly a momentous event; one I hope you have all taken the time to savour and appreciate. Your hard work over the past four years has led you to this day.
Now as you embark on your careers as commissioned officers, I want to impart upon you two things. Firstly, remember the friendships you have made over these past few years. While your careers may take you to places away from your classmates, they will continue to be important parts of your life. Sure, a few years may pass before they come back into your orbit, but it has been my experience, that they will, and you will be all the better for it.
Secondly, there is no greater duty than that which you will assume as you lead your sailors, soldiers, airmen, and airwomen. They will look to you for leadership, and at the same time, you will learn from their experience. Be the leader they deserve.
Once again, congratulations. I wish you all the best of luck in your careers.
Steven Gable
Class Secretary – RMC Class of 84

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