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Lieutenant-General Lise Bourgon, Acting Commander, Military Personnel Command, recently announced key personnel appointments for the Command in CANFORGEN 054/24.

“My sincerest congratulations to all,” announced LGen. Bourgon, “Your selection for these key MILPERCOM appointments reflects your continued dedication and significant contributions to the Canadian Armed Forces and I wish you every success throughout your tour.

The following key command appointments were announced:

  • MILPERCOM/HQ – Commanding Officer LCol M.Tompkins replacing LCol K. Von Kinckenstein
  • CFB Borden, BComd, Col M.D. Ramessar replacing Col J.J.G.E. Michaud
  • CFB Borden, Admin O, LCol K. Brown replacing LCol N. Cathcart
  • CFRG, CO, Col A.M. McCabe replacing Col N.S. Roby
  • Director Transition Services, Comd, Captain J.L. Watkins replacing Col L.E. Noonan
  • CFB Borden, Comd Tech Services, Major K. Brown (on promotion) replacing LCol F. Messina
  • CFLRS, Comd, LCol M.R. Kiely replacing LCol C.L. Wong
  • CFRG, DComd, LCol N. Cathcart replacing Cdr. P. Antonew
  • TU, S ON, Toronto, Comd – LCol S.M. Lang replacing LCol J.A.P. Villeneuve
  • TU, AB North, Edmonton, Comd – LCol H. Han replacing LCol A.S.H. Wong
  • TU, NS, NFLD, Halifax, Comd – LCol K.D. Watson replacing LCol R.W. Bonnell
  • TU/E/ON/Petawawa/Comd – LCol Lidington replacing LCol D.R.P. Pappin
  • TU/MB/SK/Comd – LCol C.R. Chmelyk replacing LCol S.N.M. Harding
  • RMC Kingston/Dep Director Cadets Comd – LCol Lannighan replacing LCol J.S. Coleman
  • CF H Services, GP, 1 HSG HQ, Comd – LCol J.C. Robinson replacing LCol B.C. White
  • CF H Services, GP, 1 FD AMB, Comd – LCol J.M. Pinard replacing LCol J.C. Robinson
  • CF H Services, GP, 1 CDN FD, Hosp, Comd – LCol D.A. Tarso replacing LCol J.L.J.J. Ricard
  • CF H Services, GP, CF H Services, TC, CMDT – LCol C.D.R. Reyes replacing LCol A.N.J. Natale
  • CF H Services, GP, CF H, Services C (O)/Comd – LCol P.T. Singh replacing CDR K.M.A. Turcotte
  • CF H Services/GP/CF H Services C (A)/Comd – Cdr. H.D.S. MacLean replacing LCol J.M. Keddy
  • CF H Services/GP/CF H Services C (P)/Comd – LCol J.O.J. P. Buisson replacing LCol A.J. O’Brien
  • CF H Services, GP, 1 FD AMB Edmonton Clinic, Comd – Major I. A. Morrison replacing Major H. Luciak
  • CF H Services, GP, CMed, Comd – Major J. Cuthbertson replacing LCdr M.C.D.J. Nadeau
  • CF H Services, GP, 25 CF H Services C/Comd – Major J. Landre replacing Major M.E. Legace
  • CF H Services, GP,26 CF H Services C/Comd – Major l.H. Fillmore replacing Major H.D. Pye
  • CF H Services GP, 32 CF H Services C/Comd – Major Shk Han replacing Major A.L. Wirth-Pothier.

Key CWO and CPO1 Command Appointments:

  • CF H Services HQ/CF H Services GP HQ RCMS CWO – CWO E.M. Walters replacing CWO C.A. Hasselman
  • CF H Services HQ/CF H Services GP HQ/RCDC CWO – CWO M.M.C. Mailhot replacing CWO M.C. Brulotte
  • CF H Services GP/4 HSG HQ/GP – CWO I. Scuncio replacing CWO E.M. Walters
  • CF H Services GP/1 CDN FD Hosp, RSM – CWO F.L. Morissette replacing CPO1 P.V. Michaud
  • CF H Services GP/1 FD AMB/RSM – MWO J.M.J. S. Morin (on promotion) replacing CWO T. Stackhouse
  • CF H Services GP/2 FD AMB/RSM – MWO A.E. Dionne (on promotion) replacing CWO F.L. Morissette
  • CF H Services GP/5 FD AMB/RSM – MWO K.K. Legare (on promotion) replacing CWO I. Scuncio
  • CF H Services GP/CFHSTC/SCWO/MWO C.D. Belanger (on promotion) replacing CWO Y. Gauthier
  • CF H Services GP/CF H Services C (O)/Clinic CWO- MWO A.M.C. Randell (on promotion) replacing CWO M.M.C. Mailhot
  • CF H Services G/CF H Services C (A)/clinic CWO – MWO D.M.G. Finamore (on promotion) replacing CWO E. Cicekci
  • CF H Services GP/41 CF H Services C/Clinic CWO- WO A.J.L.A. Tancrede (on promotion) replacing MWO P. Simoneau
  • GP Services FC/C Services S FC (EDM)/Adjum Clinique – ADJ R.L. Hudson (sur promotion) en remplacement de l ADJ C.D. Belanger

The CAFORGEN closed, noting all unit appointees need to complete the learning package. “Individual postings and promotion message where applicable will follow.”


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