Golf 2024

To: Our Participants, Sponsors, Donors, Volunteers & other supporters;

Our sincere thanks for once again making this annual fundraising tournament an outstanding success. We were blessed with fabulous weather and excellent support from the Greensmere Golf Club team. A special thanks to Gerry Bower, a Greensmere member, who volunteered his time and equipment to produce the spectacular group drone photo.

We had another outstanding turnout of over 170 including a full field (plus) of 160 golfers. Notably, 144 of these 170+ attendees were alumni of our military colleges. They represented 30 classes with the senior class present (1959) being represented by H4377 Rick Evraire and the junior class (2013) by 25915 Liam Ryan. Together, our alumni, guests and corporate sponsor participants had a most enjoyable day of golf, comradery, and significant amusement.

The overarching goal of these events is to raise funds that, through the RMC Alumni Association, contribute to “Opportunities that Support Excellence” at our military colleges. “Supporting Excellence” is focused on training and leadership activities, as well as bilingualism and cultural opportunities, that assist the Colleges in growing and developing Canada’s future leaders.

These events have, over the years, raised over $225,000.00 to support and supplement our military colleges’ core curriculums and training programs – well beyond the provided budgets.

We are proud to announce that the 2024 tournament raised a new record sum of $22,844.00.

The support by everyone involved is this year’s success was outstanding. We would be most appreciative if you would consider similar support for future tournaments.



Link to Tournament photos:


Thank you to our 2024 sponsors:

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