


17949 Cdr Sebastien Barrette, CD, nav eng 00346 (RRMC 1991)

Cdr Barrette will commence his retirement leave on 1 Aug. 15 and retire from the CAF 16 Aug 15 after more than 28 years of loyal and dedicated service to Canada and the Royal Canadian Navy.

Cdr Barrette joined the RCN in June 1987 as a MARE officer under the ROTP program. He studied at Royal Roads where he graduated with a degree in physics and oceanography in 1991 and completed a Masters of applied science (Electrical) in 2011 at Royal Military College.

His naval training was done aboard HMC ships Mackenzie, Qu’appelle, Halifax and Athabaskan. He was an instructor at CFNES Halifax from 1998 to 2001 and he served as CSEO of HMCS Ville de Quebec from 2001 to 2003. He served three times within the materiel group and was also employed in various staff functions within the IM, DCDS and VCDS groups.

Cdr Barrette plans to move to Halifax to initiate a second career with the naval engineering test establishment where he will continue to serve the RCN and the Mat group.

To celebrate his career and say farewell, please join Cdr Barrette at his dwd reception at the main bar area, HMCS Bytown wardroom, 78 Lisgar St, Ottawa, 1330-1530 Thu 30 Jul 2015. Confirmation of attendance and congratulatory messages, well wishes or humorous anecdotes should be sent  nlt 23 Jul 15.

Andy.Hewlett@forces.gc.ca / Tel : 613-996-2673 / CSN : 996-2673 / Fax : 613-992-3225
