“Thanks also to the Mil and Academic Wing staff on parade today. You are the ‘engine’ that keeps the college going, the leaders, the Role Models, the trainers, the educators and the mentors. You are instrumental in helping the cadets achieve success and more broadly, are personally shaping the Canadian Forces leadership of tomorrow. By being here on parade today, you are not only ‘walking the talk’ but you are also demonstrating the importance and tradition of ‘parades’ in the Canadian Forces. I appreciate all that you do each and every day and thank you for your leadership. “
Commodore Truelove – Commandant – 8 Nov 2009 – All photos by: 25247 Ken Eady
The Commandant’s Weekend
The Cadet Wing was given the opportunity to exercise their leadership skills and conduct training at the Wing level – this past weekend.
The Commandant’s Weekend was intended to give the opportunity to the Cadet CoC, to design and conduct military training weekend and related activities.
The Commandant”s intent was to provide the opportunity for barman to exercise their leadership through team orientated activities. The weekend included: military related training, social events and wrapped up with a formal parade on Sunday morning.
Excerpts from what the commandant had to say on parade:
“I know that there has been a considerable amount of discussion around this parade, with many wondering ‘why’ and ‘why now’. For me the answer is simple – we are a Military College. As your Cadet Leadership have mentioned to me several times, it is important that the Wing continue to have opportunities to develop its military and leadership skills. Military parades are a fundamental aspect of the Profession of Arms. As the College Sergeant Major often says, parades reflect the Chain of Command and leadership at various stages; they promote personal and group discipline, team work, cohesiveness, respect and pride. As DCdts reminds me, parades are an opportunity for CF members to shine – opportunities that should not be missed.”
“Tout au long de l’histoire, les militaires ont participé à des rassemblements et vous continuerez de le faire après votre départ du CMR. En qualité de jeunes officiers dans vos unités, vous devrez rapidement assumer le leadership de vos subordonnés rassemblés devant vous et serez responsable de la tenue et de la conduite des militaires que vous dirigerez.”
“I’d also like to recognize and thank the bar slate for their hard work and leadership throughout the term. You have been challenged to deal with a broad range of Wing issues while still ensuring that you meet your own personal academic, athletic and second language requirements. You have been required to support each other and to develop plans and solutions to some tough problems, and you continue to work through others such as instituting a walking out dress policy that is reflective of the College and CF standards, ensuring that the Wing is demonstrating the very high room and deportment standards articulated in CADWINS, while also ensuring that RMC continues to reflect its motto of Truth, Duty, Valour. Thank you for your incredible efforts.”
“Pour conclure, comme les parties de football de la Ligue nationale débuteront sous peu, je veux vous remercier tous de vos efforts soutenus. Comme vous m’avez souvent entendu dire, je suis incroyablement fier de vous et me sens privilégié d’être votre commandant. Le CMR est une institution étonnante, riche en histoire et renommée mondialement pour la qualité des chefs qu’elle produit. Vous êtes ces chefs. Les quatre années de votre séjour au Collège abondent en défis exigeants et vous devez faire preuve d’un dévouement, d’une détermination et d’un engagement remarquables pour surmonter ces défis. Vous possédez tous ces qualités et vous les utilisez tous les jours. De cela, vous devriez être fiers de vous.”