Banner by Gerry Locklin
RMC will be well represented at a number of Remembrance Day events: at the college; locally and nationally as both a formed contingent and provision to local and national parades and ceremonies. Dates include: 8, 10 & 11 November.
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To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key.
The “M” in RMC is Alive & Well!
Class of 1965 Teaching Excellence Award;
BoG Meet @ RMCC & CDAI 12th Annual Graduate Student Symposium;
What’s Happening at RMC;
Ex-Cadets in the News;
Where are they Now?
Former RRMC / RMC Rugby Player Now Dean of Engineering;
We Shall remember: 2750 ErnieCockburn (RMC 1940);
RRMC Remembrance Day – Still Special & Important at RRU;
CMR Ceci était l’opération visibilité – RMCSJ Operation Visibility;
Notices | Avis;
Kayne Carr & Lesley Crowley Tie the Knot; and
Deaths | Décès