


8 Dec 52

Exams started today with Eco 44 which I messed up pretty badly. Never have I faced a set of exams with as little preparation as this time. Exam routine is very slack this year – no parades at all; all running around.

Last Friday I found a most fascinating store in Kingston – Cookies. It was founded in 1868 and still has the atmosphere of a general country store. They deal in all types of imported foods. I got a few slabs of cheese and enjoyed it in our last meeting of the coffee club in Hercus’ Room.

Incidentally I am getting quite a kick out of these fellows who are engaged – Hercus, Ken McMillan, Big John etc. etc. When their girls say “jump” so help me, they leap high into the air. All Barry says on the phone is “Yes Di,…Yes Di Anything you say, Di…..”

9 Dec 52

Barry Hercus & I went over yesterday and today to play squash. He hasn’t played much and this is my first time. Squash is a much better game than I had imagined – hope to play a lot more this year. Commerce 42 this morning – not too hard.

Ed note: A few Issues ago, there was a short write-up in the diary concerning the visit of the Governor General, Vincent Massey.  We discovered a brochure to mark that occasion; which is the address given by the GG to the cadets back in 1952.  A very nice read… (Click on cover & pages for better viewing)

