The 2007 Leadership Dinner
“Celebrating Canada’s Global Military Contributions”
The Toronto Branch of the Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada is pleased to host the 2007 Leadership Dinner on Friday 23 November 2007 at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in downtown Toronto. The dinner is a black tie affair and will follow a military mess dinner format. The special guest speaker for the evening will be General Rick Hillier, the Chief of Defence Staff. The evening’s events will also feature the presentation of the Air Commodore Leonard Birchall Leadership Award to a deserving Canadian.
Unable to attend the Leadership Dinner? Consider sponsoring a Cadet. More info…
Dear Alumni Member,
As a graduate of Royal Military College, you are cordially invited to attend a special cocktail reception and presentation hosted by the Clearsight Investment Program from Wellington West Capital – RMC Club of Canada’s preferred partner for investment and retirement planning.
During this seminar you will learn how the rising loonie may be affecting your investment portfolio as well as, investment fundamentals that can help you pull through – and perhaps even take advantage of – a volatile market.
These complimentary events will be held in a number of cities across Canada in November.
For full details on the seminars and to RSVP, please click here or call Chandni Patel at 1.877.464.6104 by November 15, 2007. Space is limited so please RSVP early.
In addition, Wellington West Capital and RMC Club of Canada would like to extend a special offer to alumni that are unable to attend one of these sessions. Sign up to receive The ViewPoint, Clearsight’s free investment e-newsletter, and you will receive a complimentary copy of the Investment Executive’s 2007 Money Planner.†
In every investor’s life there are events that cause the investor to re-examine his or her financial affairs. Investment Executive’s Money Planner 2007 will review these events and look at what investors should consider as they adjust their financial plans.
We look forward to seeing you at one of the seminars.
Peter Dawe
Executive Director
RMC Club of Canada
Michael Burns
President, Clearsight Inc.
Wellington West Capital Inc.
Leonard Birchall Pavilion: Target $900,000
We have now received $810,000 in donations and pledges and require $90,000 to reach our target by year end 2007.
Support to the project has been overwhelming! We ask that if you have not done so to please make a gift to the Birchall Pavilion before December 31st. You will receive an income tax receipt and be a part of a great sports facility that will benefit Cadets everyday!
To those of you who have already given, THANK YOU! 2008 REUNION CLASSES
The Birchall Pavilion Project could benefit from your generous support and will ensure your class is recognized on our donor wall of honour. Please see the RMC Foundation’s Website for details on donating: www.rmcclubfoundation.ca