
RMC Expedition Club Meets with the Kingston Branch

Author: OCdt (III) 26268 Stéphanie Paquette

This Wednesday January 8th, a group of members from the RMC Expedition Club gave a presentation to the RMC Foundation Kingston Branch. OCdt Stéphanie Paquette, President of the Club, was present to explain the vision and the different projects of the Club.

OCdt Raakesh Bharathi and OCdt Ali Mansour, respectively IC and 2IC of the India 2013 expedition, were present to brief the audience about their cultural and firsthand learning experience in Chennai, the villages of rural Tamil Nadu, in the Western Ghats, in the coastal communities of Kerala and in New Delhi. Their presentation was followed by OCdt Matthew Howse and OCdt Riley Perrior, IC and 2IC of the Arctic 2013 expedition, who were able to develop their leadership and planning skills through their challenging eight-day trek outside the boundaries of Pond Inlet, NU and up Mt Morin.

Both expeditions required a lot of logistic planning and well-coordinated team work. The RMC Expedition Club’s expeditions allowed the Cadets on the expedition teams to get out of their comfort zone by challenging themselves physically and mentally. Thanks to the financial support of the RMC Foundation that allowed a total of 20 Cadets to benefit from those expeditions in 2013.

Kenya 2014: Looking Forward to the New Year

Author: OCdt (IV) 25981 Megan Couto

With the holiday season coming to a close, the RMC Kenya Expedition Team is looking forward to the New Year. The expedition, which is set to take place from 13-23 February, falls on the cadet’s reading week and is fast approaching. The preparations are well underway, with a kit list assembled by the team’s kit expert, 27002 OCdt Josh Hewitt. Many of the team will surely have searched for some of the missing gear such as hiking boots and 55L packs during this past week’s Boxing Day sales.

The team will be looking into securing any missing kit through the RMC Expedition Club, which has some gear available to its members. The team’s medical coordinator has also arranged for a team immunization session during the first week after returning to the college. Throughout the holiday, the team has been maintaining their individual levels of fitness by adhering to a fitness program designed by 25981 OCdt Megan Couto. In the New Year, the team will be meeting together for some group fitness sessions in preparation for the trek. A last aspect for preparations is booking flights, which is being coordinated through the trip IC, 26020 OCdt Michael Cole, who hopes to have this portion of the planning finalized soon after the team is reunited in Kingston.

The expedition is not only a fantastic opportunity for the cadets to see another part of the world and climb one of Africa’s most beautiful landmarks, but the team is seeking to raise funds for the Romeo Dallaire’s Child Soldiers Initiative which is committed to ending the use and recruitment of child soldiers worldwide. OCdt Hewitt remarked: “This trip is an opportunity not only for challenge and enjoyment but also to represent RMC and make a difference through the Child Soldiers Initiative.” Read more here: http://www.childsoldiers.org/

From the RMC Kenya Expedition Team to the RMC Club, RMC Foundation, and to all ex-cadets, current cadets and their families, have a blessed New Year! We’ll be sure to keep you all updated on the team’s progress.

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