
Weather was Hot…Badging Parade Hotter!


For the second consecutive day of Reunion Weekend, mid summer like temperatures were the order of the day.

Approximately 175 first year cadets joined their individual squadrons following a very rigours five week First Year Orientation  Period. The badging ceremony, where members of the Old Brigade were the major presenters of the RMC cap badge was the cenre piece of the two hour. Other badge presenters were Ex Cadets with a family connection.

The DIAS Party consisted of:

  • the Reviewing Officer, the Chief of Defense Staff for the Canadian Armed Forces, 12192 General Tom Lawson – front centre;

  • the Commandant of the Royal Military College of Canada, 16888 Brigadier-General Al Meinzinger – front left;

  • the National President of the Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada, 6440 Capt (N) (Ret) Anthony Goode – front right;

  • the RMC Foundation President 6604 Dr. Jim Carruthers – back left; and

  • the Adjutant of the Old Brigade, 5611 LCdr (Ret) Gerry Stowe back right.

The inspection of the cadets on parade involved a number of people:

General Lawson was accompanied by the Cadet Wing Commander, 26339 Officer Cadet Jean-François Lizée; and 6440 Capt (N) (Ret’d) Anthony Goode

Brigadier General Al Meinzinger and Dr Carruthers, were accompanied by The College Chief Warrant Officer, Chief Petty Officer First Class Keith Davidson and the Cadet Wing Training Officer, Officer Cadet Boris Trudel.

The Director of Cadets, LCol Mark Popov was accompanied by the Adjutant of the Old Brigade, LCdr (ret) Gerry Stowe; the training Wing Sergeant major, MWO Wallace Rideout and Deputy Cadet Wing Commander, Officer Cadet Zachary Day.

Following the inspection a number of prizes were presented including:

Le prix d’excellence en leadership militaire en troisième année est présenté par : Le chef d’état-major de la Défense, Général Tom Lawson

Présenté à : 26339 Élof Jean-Francois Lizee

Le prix d’excellence Howard B. Ripstein est présenté par : Col Honoraire O’Connor

Présenté à: 26497 Aspm Matthew Noonan (Marine)

26527 Élof Vladimir Melnikov (Armée de terre)

26532 Élof Ryan Metcalfe (Force aérienne)

The Royal Military College of Canada Award for Academic Excellence in Third Year is presented by: The Principal of the RMCC, Dr Harry Kowal

Awarded to: M2079 OCdt Christopher Jewitt

The Dr. P.F. Fisher Memorial Trophy and Scholarship is presented by: the Chief of Military Personnel, Lieutenant-General David Millar

Awarded to: 26305 OCdt Daniel Cruz

The Frank R. Kossa Memorial Scholarship is presented by Mr Thomas Burke, representing the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada and the United States

Awarded to: M1042 OCdt William Buss

The J.W. Brown Memorial Medal is presented by: National President of the Royal Military College Club of Canada, 6440 Capt (N) (ret`d) Anthony Goode

Awarded to: M2079 OCdt Christopher Jewitt

The Professional Engineers of Ontario Foundation for Education, Undergraduate Scholarship for Academic Achievement and Undergraduate Scholarship for Non-Academic Achievement are presented by: Mr Mansour representing the Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation

Awarded to: 26693 OCdt Katerina Brooks (Academic achievement)

26664 OCdt Zacharie Marshall (Non-academic achievement)

The UTPNCM Drill and Physical Education Prize is presented by: The Director of Cadets, LCol Popov

Awarded to: M1040 NCdt Blake Mackey

The Squadron Leader McAlpine Cadet Trust Fund for bilingualism is presented by: Mr. Jacques Gagné

Awarded to: 26015 OCdt Justin Hanlon

Le Strong Challenge Shield est présenté par le Commandant de le collège militaire royal de St-Jean, le Col Carignan

Presénté à : 26166 Élof Pascal Filiatrault-Veilleux

The Military Leadership Excellence Award in Second Year is presented by Chief of the Defense Staff General Tom Lawson

Awarded to: 26705 OCdt Cassidy Chang

The Royal Military College of Canada Award for Academic Excellence in Second Year is presented by: The Principal of the RMCC, Dr Harry Kowal

Awarded to: 26693 OCdt Katerina Brooks

Le trophée commémoratif de la promotion de 1942 est présenté à

Présenté à : 26864 Élof Daniel Falco en échange en Allemagne

La bourse d’études du Service féminin de l’Aviation royal du Canada (ARC) est présenté par le chef d’état-major de la défense Général Tom Lawson

Présenté à: 26596 Aspm Sophie Cormier

The Squadron Leader McAlpine Cadet Trust Fund Award for Military Excellence is presented by the Commandant, Brigadier-General Meinzinger

Awarded to: 27017 OCdt Jonathan Tallis

Le prix Grant est présenté par le Directeur Athlétique, M. Guy Dubé au nom de M. Darren Cates :

Présenté à: 26471 Élof Joseph Brière en échange au Quebec

Le prix d’excellence en leadership militaire en première année est présenté par le chef d’état-major de la défense Général Tom Lawson

Présenté à : 27158 Élof Dykens Dave Sauvageau

Le prix d’excellence académique du Collège militaire royale du Canada en première année sont présenté par : le Principal de collège, Dr. Harry Kowal

Présenté à : 26936 Élof Alexi Levert-Beaulieu

The Howard B. Ripstein Award of Excellence for First Year is presented by: Honourary Col O’Connor

Awarded to: 27103 Élof Evelyne Gauvin (Armée de Terre)

27158 OCdt Dykens Dave Sauvageau (Force aérienne)

26974 NCdt Alexander Webb (Navy)

The C. Raymond Grandy Memorial Scholarship is presented by: The Commandant, Brigidier General Meinzinger

Awarded to: 26936 OCdt Alexi Levert-Beaulieu

The Queen’s University Challenge Shield is presented by: The Director of Cadets, LCol Popov

Awarded to: 26899 OCdt Jordan Larocque

The Squadron Leader McAlpine Cadet Trust Fund Award for Athletics is presented by: the Commandant Brigadier General Meinzinger

Awarded to: 27090 OCdt John Livingston

Le prix Fulton est présenté par le Directeur Athlétique: M. Guy Dubé au nom de M. Darren Cates

Présenté à: 26964 Elof Alexandre Palardy

The Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education provides two entrance awards to Grade 12 graduates entering an accredited RMCC engineering programme. The awards are presented by: Mr Mansour, representing the Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation.

Awarded to: 27337 OCdt Kyuhwan Lee

And: 27427 OCdt Emma Shiner

Le Médaillon Hope est décerné à la recrue démontrant le meilleur potentiel d’aptitude de commandement durant le Camp des recrues et qui est l’élève-officier/aspirant de marine choisi comme Chef de Promotion de première année.

The Hope Medallion is awarded to the recruit showing best potential of leadership during the Recruit Camp and who is First Year Officer Cadet/Naval Cadet selected as the Class Senior. The Hope Medallion is presented by: the Chief Defense Staff General Tom Lawson

Awarded to: 27386 OCdt O’Brien (Papa Flight)

Five Squadron was named winners of the Obstacle course which was held on friday. They were also captured  the Capt John Bart Teamwork Award.

The Captain John Bart Leadership Award was awarded to the best leader in each Squadron during the Obstacle Race. It was presented by: 6523 Mr. Colfer, class of 1965,  and Brigadier General Al Meinzinger
(Prize will be awarded at Foundation luncheon in Oct at a specific date TBA.
Présenté à: Awarded to:
Escadron 1/1 Squadron 27365 OCdt Belanna McLean
Escadron 2/2 Squadron 27231 OCdt Andrea Beltramello
Escadron 3/3 Squadron 27400 OCdt Jacob Peel
Escadron 4/4 Squadron 27487 NCdt William McClelland
Escadron 5/5 Squadron 27386 OCdt Kane O’Brien
Escadron 6/6 Squadron 27426 OCdt Caleb Shaw
Escadron 7/7 Squadron 27299 OCdt Liam Glenn
Escadron 8/8 Squadron 27283 OCdt Nicholas Donnelly
Escadron 9/9 Squadron 27518 NCdt Liam Moors
Escadron 10/10 Squadron 27506 OCdt Robert Taylor
Escadron 11/11 Squadron 27488 OCdt Trevor Melcher
Escadron 12/12 Squadron 27280 OCdt James Dolman

A few other (not RMC) awards were presented to individuals not on parade:


Dr. Philip Bates.


Major Cindy Suurd Ralph; OCdt (former Sergeant) James Ryan.

As we mentioned at the top of this article the badging presentation is the centre piece. This year was no exception.

Following a long RMC tradition, the parade was LCdr Catherine MacKinnon and Maj Dennis Newhook,  blessed the parade.

Three highly polished but reasonably (to the delight of those on parade) short speeches were the next order of business. Tony Goode led off, followed by the commandant and wrapped up by the CDS.

A portion of  the Commandants’ Badging Parade Address:

It is hard to explain at times the importance of our wonderful College traditions.

We know of course, that it is these very traditions and customs, like the one we are witnessing today and others throughout Reunion Weekend, which serve to build tremendous pride in this marvellous institution, in our cadets and in the Canadian Armed Forces.

RMCC’s history is quite remarkable and began with a very small first class of entrants whom we fondly refer to as the ‘Old 18’, names that our newest First years have committed to memory as all have done before them.

Il est merveilleux de constater à quel point nous sommes attachés à notre passé, par des liens tissés et renforcés grâce aux efforts des anciens élèves officiers et des membres actuels de l’équipe du Collège.

It is the ex-cadets in attendance here today, and the Cadets of the Royal Military College of Canada here on parade that are the life blood of this amazing national institution.

As cadets and ex-cadets, we remain connected in a profound way.

Now Ladies and Gentlemen, in order to underscore how profoundly we respect the connection between young and old, cadet and ex-cadet, junior and senior, I want to draw your attention to a couple of sterling examples.

I draw your attention to our band. Mr. Don Currie is 85 years old and continues to get up every morning for 6 AM practices with the College Band.

An ex-President of our Kingston Ex-cadet branch, he is an inspiration to all of us and continues to serve as a wonderful mentor and leader for our cadets.

His unrelenting commitment and dedication to the College and most importantly, to our cadets, is simply inspiring. As the cadets march off the square, you will see Don playing the trumpet – Please give him a cheer. Thanks Don.

I did also want to acknowledge our Club and Foundation as it is through their efforts that this Reunion Weekend is made possible. Please join me in also thanking these two very important organizations along with their Presidents on the dais here today, Dr. Jim Carruthers and Mr. Tony Goode, for their steadfast commitment to the College and Cadet and ex-cadet constituencies.

J’aimerais aussi remercier le capitaine-adjudant de la Vieille Brigade, M. Gerry Stowe, pour la magnifique coordination d’aujourd’hui. We could not have pulled today off Gerry without your leadership and professionalism. Thank-you.

The importance of the connection between ex-cadets and currently serving cadets has been displayed to you today as Old Brigade members and ex-cadets reach out to pass a College cap-badge to the RMCC Class of 2018, to include the passing of College Coins to our newest cohort of UTPNCMs.

The symbolism of this rite of passage is extraordinarily important as it reaffirms our Cadet’s connection to the College and its heritage while also recognizing the responsibilities being assumed as Officer-Cadets and as future officers within the profession of arms.

Now, as full-fledged cadets of the College, know that you walk in the footsteps of those that went before you, officers that have served their country with distinction.

Ce serait manquer à mon devoir que de ne pas féliciter les nouveaux élèves officiers de première année : vous n’êtes plus de nouvelles recrues, vous êtes désormais de jeunes élèves-officiers et des membres à part entière de l’Escadre des élèves-officiers.

As you now know, the First Year Orientation Period was designed to challenge you. I bet your happy it is over.

As you may recall, I gave you some advice shortly after your arrival.

  • Work hard (which you have done)
  • Support one-another – you have done this too
  • Take responsibility for your successes and failures
  • Understand it is the team that matters.
  • And that your eventual success during FYOP would be correlated to how well you work as a team

You stand on this parade square this morning, about to physically join the Cadet Wing because you succeeded in all of these areas.

As exemplified by your amazing success running the obstacle course, you have learned that placing the context of the team ahead of oneself is what truly matters.

And I know your pain… having run the obstacle course last week with my team which included of course the College Chief, our Principal and even Dr. Howie Coombes.

To our first year cadets, please know that I am extremely proud of each of you. Je vous félicite de votre détermination et de votre dévouement. Bravo!

Je profite aussi de cette occasion pour témoigner ma reconnaissance au personnel du FYOP de l’Escadre des élèves-officiers et de l’Escadre d’entrainement.

Vos efforts professionnels au cours des cinq dernières semaines ont porté fruit, et les résultats de votre service diligent envers le Collège est visible aux yeux de tous aujourd’hui.

To the families and friends here this morning, please accept my sincerest thanks for your love and support. Please recognize today that the successes of your sons, daughters, friends and family are also your successes.

To the newest class of Royal Military College of Canada cadets, joining the Cadet Wing signals the completion of FYOP and marks the moment in time when you begin your journey of striving for excellence on the road to becoming an officer within the profession of arms.

Wear your new RMCC cap badge and guard your new College Coin with pride. Know that the road ahead leads to your promising future… so seize this opportunity with every ounce of determination and energy. Well done to each of you. Vérité, Devoir, Vaillance, Truth, Duty, Valour.

