
Looking Back on FYOP: A First-Year’s Perspective

By: 27421 (I) OCdt Melissa Sanfaçon

A tradition, a mentally scarring ritual, a valuable learning experience; regardless of what you choose to call it, First Year Orientation Program (FYOP) is something that can only be truly understood by the cadets who came before us.

Though opinions of FYOP itself vary amongst first years, there is no denying that having officially become a part of the Cadet Wing is not only an honour, but also a long awaited sigh of relief. As FYOP came to an end, the peninsula instantly silenced; no one is yelling “good day senior!”, no first year flights are checking each other, and no first years are nearly having anxiety attacks, worrying if someone important that they should know just crossed their path. Personally I had no idea the campus could be so calm, and who knew that an extra half hour of sleep could feel so life-changing?

The tides have changed now that corrective measures no longer loom over the first years’ heads. Life at RMC is now more of a juggling act than anything else; just like the upperclassmen, first years are now facing the challenge of longing for a social life while knowing that they should have started their assignment that’s due tomorrow a whole week ago.

Days seemed long while on the FYOP schedule, and now time runs from first years that are wanting to participate in clubs and make the best of being in university while keeping up academically. Suddenly sleep has become a foreign concept to most of the new officer cadets.

FYOP was intended to integrate new recruits into the college, and if it displayed anything, it was that stress is inevitable. With FYOP behind us, the real challenge of being an officer cadet begins. Though it seems as if we’ll never be allowed in anything but a uniform and many of the rules still in place for us seem endless, there’s no denying that being at RMC will provide the experience of a lifetime and memories infinite in value. Though most first years will likely not be admitting to it anytime soon, surely the sound of “Goodnight Saigon” echoing throughout the peninsula every night will be missed.


Obstacle Course video 2014 – Here

We were hoping to have a wider selection of photos & videos from the obstacle course but limited resources prevented us from doing so. Enjoy this video from 6 Squadron – Romeo Flight. By IV Year William Pugh


A Week for Second Years:

This week’s Professional Military Training focused on the second years and their military writing skills. A second year took the time to describe their weekly training:

En ce mercredi 1er octobre, l’escadre des élèves-officiers du collège militaire royal du Canada se réunissait sur le terrain de parade, comme à leurs habitudes pour la parade de l’élève-officier commandant d’escadre, élève-officier Lizée. Dans son discours en français (en raison de la semaine française), le COMA soulignait l’importance de l’entraide entre les différentes années suite à la fin tant attendue du programme d’orientation des premières années (POPA). Il soulignait également que chaque élève-officier se doit d’être un modèle pour tous les autres et donc, doit donner l’exemple en tout temps. Quelques minutes plus tard, l’escadre rompait pour se diviser par année afin de progresser vers les différentes activités pour chaque année. C’est à ce moment que les élèves-officiers de 2e année se sont réunies au Mess pour leur période militaire hebdomadaire. Cette semaine, le sujet de la présentation était l’écriture militaire. Les deuxièmes années ont appris comment faire toutes sortes de document. On compte parmi cela la note de service, des paragraphes, etc. Ce cours est définitivement important pour la carrière qui attend ces futurs officiers. En effet, l’efficacité sur le plan de l’administration est une des qualités hautement recherchées par ces officiers à en devenir. Suite à ce briefing essentiel, les élèves-officiers sont retournés à leur chambre pour se préparer aux diverses activités qui arrivent quotidiennement au CMRC, dont les cours universitaires, qui sont la base du programme de formation des élèves-officiers.

– OCdt (II) 26932 Patrick Jireada
