
Caption: 6777 BGen (ret) Charron, 14890 MGen Neasmith (Br Leader) – Class of 1985, CWO Boislard (Br Chief), BGen (ret) Richard

C&E Branch change of Colonel-Commandant

On 24 Oct 2014, 6777 BGen (ret) Michel Charron Class of 1967) handed over the responsibilities of Colonel-Commandant of the C&E Branch to BGen (ret) Bill Richard at CFB Kingston. During his 3.5 years of tenure following a retirement in 1996, Michel was an active participant on the Branch Advisory Council, the Branch History Book (Semaphore to Satellites) BoG and Editorial Committee, an active promoter of bilingualism and one of the architects of the revitalization of the C&E Association. A visit to Buckingham Palace in 2012 to meet with Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, Colonel-in-Chief of the C&E Branch, and being her principal host during her visit in October 2013 to celebrate the C&E Branch 110th Anniversary were also memorable events.

Caption – Proud son looks on: 18303 Col Éric Charron (Class of ’92) witnessing the ceremony. Brother, 21621 Major Dave Charron (Class 2000) undoubtedly would have loved to be at the there too but is currently serving in Herford Germany with the British Army.

Sous-titre : Un fils fier, 18303 Col Eric Charron (promotion ’92) assistait à la cérémonie. Son frère, 21621 Major Dave Charron (promotion 2000) aurait bien voulu être aussi présent mais pour le moment il est en échange avec l’Armée britannique à Herford Allemagne.

Passation des fonctions de Colonel-commandant de la Branche des communications et de l’électronique

Le 24 octobre 2014, 6777 le Bgen (ret.) Michel Charron a remis ses fonctions de Colonel-commandant de la Branche C&E au Bgen (ret.) Bill Richard à la BFC Kingston. Pendant son terme de 3.5 années dans cette fonction suite à sa retraite en 1996, Michel fût un participant dynamique du Conseil de la Branche, du CdG et du Comité éditorial du livre d’histoire de la Branche (Semaphore to Satellites), un vibrant promoteur du bilinguisme et un des architectes de la revitalisation de l’Association C&E. Une visite au Palais de Buckingham en 2012 pour rencontrer son Altesse Royale la Princesse Anne, Colonel-en-Chef de la Branche C&E, et servir en tant qu’hôte principal lors de sa visite pour célébrer le 110ième Anniversaire de la Branche C&E en octobre 2013, furent aussi des moments mémorables.

Photos by CFB Kingston Photo Section


During a recent visit to Maritime Forces Pacific Chief of Defense Staff (CDS), 12192 General Tom Lawson (Class of 1979) presents Commander Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) 15185 Rear Admiral (RAdm) Bill Truelove (Class of 1985) with his second United States Legion Of Merit medal on behalf of the President of the United States of America.

As most readers are aware both gentlemen are former commandants of RMCC.

Image by: Cpl Brandon O’Connell, MARPAC Imaging Services


Greg Who?

Article by Steph Ochej & WJO

How many classmates remember Greg McIntosh –  Class of 1976 – Chemical Engineering?

While at RMC he was in the band – played trumpet. He was a member of the Rifle team too. “I liked the travel with the rifle team. We ended up going to West Point in my second year, and it was an eye opener to see what the US military college was doing. It was like, “Holy God! Glad we’re not doing that!”

“I spent 43 years in the military all together; most of the time was as a MARS officer.” Stops along the way included: Kingston, Esquimalt, Ottawa, Halifax, Winnipeg, Quebec City, Borden, and Toronto.

When he was not at sea the former Air Cadet spent a number of years at CFB Borden. “I ended up being in CBRN (chemical biological or NBC (nuclear biological chemical) as we first called it. So, I was a specialist in training people to defend themselves from nerve gas, and nuclear fallout, and stuff like that.” He added, “I did that for over 26 years of my career.”

“We ran a lot of courses, in Borden. Whatever the course schedule was— some were four weeks long, some were three, depending on the course, and what the specialty was. I had a specialty in radiation training from Fort McClellan, Alabama at the US Army chemical school.”

Greg retired a year and a half ago. He is enjoying life as an active grandfather on Vancouver Island; residing in Courtenay.

He has many memories from his time at RMC.

“Chuck Oliviero and I were in the same squadron, we were in the same class, and I can tell you that we were born on exactly the same day.” As though it was yesterday, he continued, “Cause, I remember they got him first, and then they got me. You’d hear them going around; you know the tradition to throw somebody in the Lake on their birthday.” What really sticks out in his mind? “Well, in early April the water is cold, and there’s still ice along the edge of the lake. I’d step into the shower and burn my hand with cold water. That’s how cold I was.”

What did he take away from his time at military college that served him well during the past 40 years or so?

“I think the quality of leadership we experienced, and how that was shown to me through various real life experiences. He made a point. “I mean, you see a lot of examples of leadership, good and bad. And I was able to pick out a lot of the good qualities and use that in my day-to-day work.”

The Winnipeg native had this memory.”The theory of leadership isn’t always the most interesting topic, but when you start applying it then things start to make sense.”

At this point, of the article, many classmates and others from that era at RMC may be wondering, who the heck is Greg McIntosh?

Actually, Greg McIntosh is 10910 GJ (Gregory) Banman. He legally changed his name following his marriage to Margaret McIntosh. The longtime friends tied the knot – 11 Oct 2014.

“Life couldn’t be better.”
