6593 Reg Bird (RRMC RMC ’65)
Vecima Shareholders Elect Reg Bird to Board of Directors
Mr. Bird holds a degree in electrical engineering from the Royal Military College of Canada, as well as diplomas from the Banff School of Advanced …
12723 Pat Stogran (RRMC RMC ’80)
New ombudsman vows to ‘go to the wall’ for veterans.
13700 John Turner (RMC ’82)
New Regional Deputy Commissioner Atlantic Region: Correctional Service of Canada
I am pleased to announce the appointment of John Turner as Regional Deputy Commissioner Atlantic Region, effective November 5, 2007.
John has a solid background in management and operational experience. He comes to CSC from Treasury Board Secretariat, where he was Executive Director, Security and Justice Division. He also served as Director General Strategic Planning, Business Integration, and Shared Services, at Public Works, Government Services Canada. Prior to that, John was a member of the Canadian Forces, serving in a number of capacities, including leadership roles in international assignments.
John holds a Master in Strategic Studies, US Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania; a Master in Business Administration, Queen’s University; and a
Bachelor of Engineering Management, Royal Military College.
I welcome John to CSC, and invite you to join me in congratulating him on his appointment to the position of Regional Deputy Commissioner Atlantic Region.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Terry Hatcher, who has acted in this position, for his exceptional contribution to the executive team over the past several months.
Keith Coulter
Pierre Quenneville wins 2007 Wood WORKS! Award as Wood Champion – Wood Advocate
13928 Doctor Pierre Quenneville (RMC ‘83), wins 2007 Wood WORKS! Award as Wood Champion – Wood Advocate. Wood WORKS! is a national campaign to increase the use of wood in commercial, industrial and institutional construction. Doctor Quenneville formerly with the Department of Civil Engineering at the Royal Military College of Canada, is a leading innovator in wood structural design. His research focuses on the resistance and behaviour of connections in timber structures. He obtained his undergraduate education in civil engineering at RMC in 1983, his M. Eng. degree at
École Polytechnique in Montreal and his Ph. D. at Queen’s University in Kingston in 1992. Among many other accomplishments, he has served on the Canadian Standard Association’s technical committee for the Design in Wood Structures since 1992.
Contact Info on Pierre Quenneville, click below:
13928 Pierre Quenneville, (RMC ’83)
Professor of Timber Design
The University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
Pierre has moved to Auckland in early July 2007 to take up the Timber Design Chair within the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, at the University of Auckland. Pierre is busy setting up the Timber Engineering group, seeking research funding and funding for a timber engineering laboratory. Other initiatives include initiating the revision to the New Zealand wood design standard. So much to do !!!
Pierre has recently been honoured at the Ontario Wood Works! gala held on November 6th, at the Royal York, receiving the top Wood Champion award in recognition for his efforts in promoting the wood cause. If you want to reach Pierre, you can do so at:
Pierre Quenneville
Professor of Timber Design
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142, New Zealand
‘Freedom depends on these guys’…
By Laura Stradiotto – Sudbury Star19863 Lieutenant (N) Lyn L Kingsley (RRMC ‘95)
Claire Kingsley didn’t sleep much the first month her daughter started her 6 1/2-month mission in Afghanistan.
Her voice trembles when she thinks about Canada’s past and present sacrifices. “Our freedom depends on these guys,” she said, from her home in Val Therese. “These young soldiers are our future veterans. They’re out there doing what our grandparents did in the Second World War.”
While her father didn’t serve in the Second World War, her daughter, Lt.(N) Lyn Kingsley, 36, has been stationed in Kandahar working as a social worker, counselling Canadian and American soldiers. Among other duties, she must attend every ramp ceremony and be prepared to help anyone who breaks down. “She’s been in the military forever it seems, right out of high school,” said Claire, her mother. “She’s a strong girl.”
Her daughter grew up in Valley East, attended College Notre-Dame and belonged to the 2nd Irish Regiment before going to the Royal Military College in Kingston and Royal Roads University in British Columbia.