Two Diaries – 1949 W. A. McColl & 1983 Theresa Winchester, UTPM

Week 8 at RMC for 3069 W.A. McColl, 1949

Oct. 31 – 1949: Bud has moved to a single room and we have Glenn Jones for our senior cadet. He is a nice fellow, quieter than Bud. Had another needle today, it was enough to make a horse sick and everyone is in bed early. My arm is throbbing like hell. The first issue of the “Marker” came out and I think it will go over well. No mail, damn it. Some jokers have piled all the gym mats outside our door about four feet high. We’re barricaded in here.


Nov. 1 – 1949: Everyone’s arm is still aching from the inoculation. CPO Hancock took us out doubling this morning and it was pretty grim – 4 guys fell out along the way – funny it always seems to be the same guys. Got a letter from Don. 5 fellows got off the square today; I doubt if I’ll ever get off. Jean is off to KMH, they think it’s his appendix. He’s had more bad luck.


Nov. 2 – 1949: Had a very good soccer practice this afternoon. The Chief actually seemed like a human being, he’s a different man on the field. Andy tried today but didn’t get off the square. Some of us got Dowsley to drill us.


Nov. 3 – 1949: Got a letter from Fran and she is coming to the dance at Christmas. The Chemistry test today was awful, I messed it up pretty badly. Jones gave us a serious lecture on keeping quiet in the dorm. The guy’s getting to be a pain although I suppose it’s for our own good.


Nov. 4 – 1949: It started to snow today but was pretty wet. Col Sawyer gave us a little talk on the importance of being careful of our actions while here at the college. It seems this Strong episode might create a bit of furor. He told us about the famous “Arnold Case” of 1924 when he was in the senior class. We’re beginning to like the colonel more and more. Got a letter from Bonnie. I’m doing well for mail this week. Spent all the time from 4:00 o’clock to 11 cleaning up our dorm for the Col.’s inspection tomorrow. We started polishing our door knobs and light switches and pretty soon the whole upper floor was doing it. If we don’t win tomorrow it won’t be our fault.


Nov. 5 – 1949: The drill periods this morning were very cold. Our squadron won the march past and the CO’s inspection. Lt. Shaw was pleased. The rugby team lost 16-0 to the Queen’s intermediates. I stayed here and went to sleep trying to listen to the Queen’s-Western game and writing a book review; the score was 18-18. Dick Day got a cake sent to him – I had a piece, it was swell. Big penny-ante[1] game going on here in our dorm. I dropped out when I was 15¢ up. Bob tried today and didn’t get off because his shoelace was undone.


Nov. 6 – 1949: Nearly missed my breakfast today. The church service was very good. Soccer game right after with the senior team. They beat us but it was a lot of fun. I played about half the game as half and full-back. Played sqn. rugby after dinner with no. 2.; we lost 5-2. The ground was slippery and only our kicker could wear cleats. Running shoes made it impossible to turn sharply or get any drive. Bob’s girl Lorraine brought a couple of friends along and we had a bit of chatting. Spent all evening working on the chem. lab report, we’d be lost without Dave Winter’s notes.


[1] penny ante. n. 1. A poker game in which the highest bet is limited to a penny or another small sum

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“Dear Diary” – 24 Oct 1983 to  11 Nov 1983 for

Theresa Winchester, UTPM

Oct. 24 – 1983: Winter dress today. UTPMs get to wear our green sweaters made from virgin wool. Which means that the sheep were raised in a part of the country where the army has never been.

Oct. 25 – 1983: Lovely day for a parade. 1610 – finished writing mid-term, wearing work dress. 1630 – on parade square, with rifle in S1s. Haven’t dressed and undressed so fast since I was single. That parade was the best of the year; 20 minutes from “markers” to “dismiss”. DCdts must be navy, he certainly winks like a sailor.

Oct. 26 – 1983: Watched the UTPM vs. Staff hockey game for a short time. When we left the scoreboard read 1-5 for the staff but my husband overheard it said that there were some lights burned out in the scoreboard and it was really 11-5 at that point. Yeah, team!.

Oct. 30 – 1983: Heard the  BGen dropped down to the squadron area the other day and caught a bunch for engineers playing cards. Kinda speaks fro itself, doesn’t it? Squadron Halloween part last night. Miss Piggy was the most elegantly dressed. She certainly showed the “Old Pervert” what for when he flashed her. As a result of this party, an emergency meeting was held and the “Old Pervert” (aka. Al Deutscher) was made an honourary member of the UTPM Couth and Culture Club.

Nov. 6 – 1983: Something is wrong here. I made it to another Friday and I don’t hate the whole world. Even played soccer the other day in PT and didn’t mind it. What’s happening? Had a party at our house with some of the new UTPMs who needed to get together and compare (bitchalittle). Saw the bottom of my wine glass too often and am hurting today. God punishes. We certainly did break in the new bar that Joe built in our basement. And now Joe tells me he has invited some old friends today to break in the bar some more. My conscience tells me that there should be more homework and less barbreaking.

Nov. 7 – 1983: Got my mid-term marks today. Came on top of all of the second year Arts Advanced Standing student at RMC this year. The kids are so proud of their mom, then Joe had to tell them just how many second year Arts Advanced Standing students there are at RMC.

“RMC is a great place for a masochist. There are so many opportunities for humiliation here!”

First – 11 Oct to 23 Oct

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