In This Issue 23

“Flying over the College was an exhilarating feeling. As I snuck a peek of the parade square through my teammate’s wings, a wonderful sensation of pride came over me. RMC is where it all started and as we circled around to fly over the MacKenzie building, I could not help but relive each of the unique and unforgettable moments spent during my four years as a Cadet. From the air, the peninsula looked as beautiful as I remembered it and as the Team Lead called: “Snowbirds, smoke now!” I took a deep breath and smiled, feeling lucky and proud to experience the unique marriage of two iconic Canadian symbols.”

22092 Capt Marco Rusconi (RMC 2001)

A photo taken from a flight in the cockpit of Marco Rusconi- to give people an idea of what his office view looks like.

For a video  interview with Marco click Here.

In This Issue 23

Snowbirds and the CMC Connection;

Cadets & Ex Cadets “On the Hill” – Doing What?

Old Brigade Member, Prominent At LXXXIV CONVOCATION;

What’s Happening At RMC;

On Her Way To RMC: Coach Plays Leading Role;

RMC (W) Rugby: A Team to Reckon With;

Cérémonie de fin d’année au CMR Saint-Jean;

Ex-Cadets in the News;

Where are they now?

Dudley Hill: Former RMC Director of Athletics;

Care and Cleaning of the Rifle;

Who Am I?

RRMC Memories

Deaths | Décès;



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