

Thank you for your personal note.I have reviewed the current issue and it is much better — but there is a long way to go. I find it
to be too “busy”. One must “click here, click there”.

Perhaps this is a generational problem — old guys looking for something like the “Marker” while
the youngsters prefer the “click here, click there” approach. The latter might be acceptable providing
that all the information from previous issues is not tacked on to the present one. Why continue to
clutter up the site with old information? How many people access it and is this a worthwhile number?

There was some indication of articles being received for publication. I missed them on my first
“go around” so I will have to try again.

I realize you cannot satisfy everyone. So, just keep up the good work and make improvements
when you can.


3611 Ian Galbraith (RMC ’56)

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