PMT: Military Skills Competition; Couth lessons & Drill results

“B” Division Wins 2015 Military Skills Competition Drill competition results PMT – last Wed mostly about learning couth in & around the Mess & beyond MORE…

“Charlie” steals spotlight @ Christmas Concert

“Charlie” steals spotlight @ Christmas Concert Article by: 26584 NCdt (III) Wilson Ho Dozens of family members, RMC supporters, students, and people from all walks of life filled the seats in the New Gym for a wonderful night of song, music and fun prepared by the RMC Band and Choir. At precisely 7:30pm, the choir…

OUA Sports & IMs

  Click on photo for short video game highlights – U of T & Paladins Hockey & volleyball results / upcoming games IM champs crowned MORE…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Republic of Korea Navy Cruise Training Task Group 2015 visits RMC Saint-Jean La Force opérationnelle d’entraînement de la Marine de la République de Corée visite le CMR Saint-Jean Le commandant de la Force maritime du Pacifique visite le CMR Saint-Jean / The Commander Maritime Force Pacific visits RMC Saint-Jean Remise de récompenses CMR Saint-Jean Officer…

Flashback: 1596 Lt.-GENERAL G. G. SIMONDS, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O.

1596 Lt.-GENERAL G. G. SIMONDS, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O. (From “Canada’s Weekly” 18 August, 1944) It was announced on Saturday that Lieut.-General Guy G. Simonds, who led the First Canadian Division in the brilliant campaign through Sicily and onto Italy, is commanding a Canadian Corps in Normandy in the First Canadian Army. General Simonds, who is…

Deaths (7)

Deaths (7) MORE…

In This Issue 46

Caption: Ceremonial puck drop by RMCC commandant -BGen Sean Friday at the Kingston Frontenac’s Military Appreciation Night – Nov 6th at the K-Rock Centre. (See more in the article below) *** *** Flickr link which takes you to all our e-Veritas albums. HERE SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEER PHOTOGRAPHERS: Melanie Hughes, James Howells, Blake Simpson,…

Ex Cadets in the News

  Toronto Branch: Nov 11 Beer & Oysters – Caption: The Toronto Branch, Remembrance Day evening social – Beer & Oysters had 20-25 ex-cadets including three, 2015 Grads in from Borden and about 30 guests. A great success as the photo above would attest.. Word has it that there will be a repeat next year.…

10209 Chris Chance: Iran Caper article brings back memories

Iran Caper article brings back memories I read with great interest the article on Ken Taylor. My mother, Nancy Chance, had a small part in the Iran Caper. That summer she was going to travel to Greece to visit my godparents, Jim and Barbara Barker, as he was the Canadian Ambassador to Greece. While the…

Keeping Tabs…

Keeping Tabs… xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx MORE…

Ship For Less & e-Veritas strike-up sponsorship deal

Ship For Less & e-Veritas strike-up sponsorship deal WJO 19330 Michael Della Fortuna (Class of 1994) with Ship For Less and e-Veritas have agreed on a sponsorship deal. The essence of the deal is that Ex-cadets, cadets and family & friends (e-Veritas readers) that use Courier & Delivery Services (local, national & international, parcels &…

Royal Roads Remembrance Day

Photo by: Shelley Langille, Military and Strategic Sector Liaison Since 1995 The Vancouver Island Ex-Cadet Club has conducted a Remembrance Day Service at Royal Roads. Royal Roads University Vice President Katharine Harold, daughter of 5836 R.G. Radcliffe, welcomed those attending. This year over 300 gathered in the Italian Gardens and on the Castle terrace for…
