
Brothers In Arms


10 Feb 53

I had a very full day – broke my glasses playing “murder-ball” in P.T. Quite a game; it’s played with a medicine ball and anything goes. Then I spent the afternoon at the Douglas Library. It is a lovely library and just packed full of lovelies too. Any cadet that tries to concentrate there is doomed to failure before he starts – there is a constant flow of good-looking girls coming and going. After that we did some curling (about 6 ends) and worked up a good appetite for supper.

11 Feb 53

One of my favourite dreams came true this morning. A little man came in to my room, took a steaming hot towel and put it on my face several times. It was Indian Graham who always gets up early to study and had promised to wake me up at 0500. At noon Big John talked me into entering the open boxing since the only entry we had, Davies took sick. I weighed in at 174! (limit 175) So after classes I boxed Setten and took quite a pounding on the nose. You just can’t box if you don’t train for it!

12 Feb 53

Click on programme for better viewing

Went to Currie Hall this evening. The Dramatic Club put on two great plays.

13 Fri Feb 53

After waiting impatiently all day for 1600 Bigelow & I set off for Toronto. We got there about 2300. Fran & I talked until perhaps 0200 before going to bed.

14 Feb 53

We went down to Clarkson & Gordon’s and spent about 3 ½ hrs in interviewing, taking an aptitude test and filling out application forms. I have been accepted and start at 8 Sep 53. All I have to do now is pass my year! Went to a party at Jim Graham’s and had a very enjoyable, lazy evening.

15 Feb 53

Back again to Port Hope and Kingston. Arrived to find multi charge sheets in the basket including about 6 4th years. It is pretty nice to get away from the College for a while, to eat home cooked food, see Fran again.
