Caption: Tree Dedication (taken by 26487 NCdt A. Schick): Members of the third year class from 1, 2, 7, and 12 squadron at the tree dedication after the cleanup in Lake Ontario Park. (Photo by 26487 NCdt A. Schick)
Third year class project –
By 26487 NCdt Alicia Schick
On Saturday May 3rd the third years held their annual Third Year Class project. Under the organization of 26298 OCdt Adam Syrnyk, the third year cadets cleaned parks throughout the city.
Despite coming from all across the country, the cadets of RMC are part of the Kingston Community for at least three quarters of the year. This project was an opportunity for the third years to give back a little bit to the community that we have become a part of.We spent the morning picking up garbage, clearing branches, and raking leaves in City Park, Victoria Park, Churchill Park, Katings and Megaffin Sports-fields, and Lake Ontario Park.Under the good leadership provided by each of the squadron representatives and Park OPIs, the day went smoothly and a lot of work was accomplished.
In appreciation for our efforts, the city has dedicated a Kentucky Coffee tree to the RMCC class of 2015. The tree has been planted in Lake Ontario Park, near the picnic shelter. Overall, the day was a success and the third year class spent an enjoyable and productive morning working in the city parks.
Cleanup1: 26258 OCdt D. Gee; Cleanup2: 26239 OCdt A. Thomas; Cleanup3: (from left to right) 26495 OCdt G. Yates, 26098 OCdt S. Diamond, 26099 Ocdt J. Otis.
(Three photos by 26346 OCdt D. Ryan) Click on all photos for better viewing
The Second Years are Working for the Cause: Supporting the Kingston Food Banks
By: 26659 OCdt (II) Danielle Andela – E-Veritas Correspondent | Correspondant d’E-Veritas
The annual class project for the Royal Military College of Canada Class of 2016 took place this past May 3rd and was a substantial success in raising over $900 for the Kingston food banks. In the words of the cadet in charge of the project, Naval Cadet (26596) Sophie Cormier: “the intent of the class project is to promote a good relationship between the citizens and RMC so we’re raising money for the food bank. We’re packing peoples groceries and putting it in their carts and bringing it out to their car so we’re helping out the Metro on Barrie Street. The most important thing is to get the cadet wing involved with community and help out.” The project will continue with a food drive on the 14th of May in which all the members of the class will also be participating.
One of the participants who was bagging groceries, Naval Cadet (26730) Matthew Mooney, had a few words to say about why he believes it is important to be involved in the Kingston community: “it is important for the RMC Cadets to be seen as productive members of the community as being isolated on the peninsula does not provide Kingston the proper opportunity to interact with the cadets of RMC. Through the programs that we can run for the people of Kingston, we can better identify ourselves as a part of the population of Kingston and as a part of our country as a whole.”
Metro Manager Yolanda McMillian was also happy to say a few words about why she thinks it’s important to support the cadets of RMCC and have them involved in the community: “as a company we always support the food bank and we think that this is a good way to help you guys help them. I think it’s awesome to see the reception you got today; everyone was quite happy and I’ve seen them approaching you individually and it was good. I’m happy with today and the way it went; it was a little overwhelming with the small front end of the store but I think it went well.” The second phase of the project is projected to be just as successful as the first and it has been rewarding to see members of the Class of 2016 having a presence in the Kingston community and using their time to help others.
Photo Top : OCdt Keith Latulippe, Alia Hamieh & daughter.
Photo in text: NCdt Sophie Cormier with Manager Yolanda McMillian.
Both photos by OCdt 26675 Morgan Hartlen
Ed Note:
For those wondering about the I & IV Years and their community projects. Due to a couple of last minute unforeseen problems, the I Year boys & girls obstacle fun events in the Field House event had to be cancelled. However, the keen I Years were spotted doing a sweep (cleanup) on and around the college grounds on saturday morning. IV years were supposed to do a fun raising softball tournament but due to the weather and a couple of other complications that was stood down. A follow-up project is expected soon.