


  • AUCC rebrands as Universities Canada 

  • Women in STEM suffer “death by a thousand cuts”

  • French teachers in BC in high demand



AUCC rebrands as Universities Canada 

The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) has rebranded itself as Universities Canada (UnivCan). Along with the new name comes a new look: UnivCan will be represented by an “iconic diamond image that symbolizes convergence and destination—a town square, a traffic intersection, a university quad.” The diamond is turned on its side, a feature that is meant to suggest dynamism, growth, and evolution. UnivCan President Paul Davidson said, “our new identity truly reflects the innovative, focused, and dynamic nature of our organization, our work, and our people. We are articulating more clearly who we are and what we stand for.” UnivCan News Release


Women in STEM suffer “death by a thousand cuts”

Women are forced out of STEM because they are discouraged by many small, sexist moments, according to Maclean’s. In the words of Ellen Pao, former CEO of Reddit, it’s “death by a thousand cuts.” Not only is there a pipeline problem—just 12% of Canada’s 280,000 engineers are women—there is a problem with recognition, the magazine reports. Earlier this month, 2 of Canada’s top female scientists resigned from the selection committee of the Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame in protest of the lack of female candidates nominated. Women are also less likely to serve in leadership roles: only 12% of full professors in STEM are female and women are more likely to be contract faculty or assistant professors. Maclean’s


French teachers in BC in high demand

A new report released by Canadian Parents for French suggests that BC is experiencing a shortage of both French immersion teachers and those who teach French as a subject in English schools. Almost 9% of the total school population is in French immersion, and many more are turned away due to lack of open spots. The report found that only one-fifth of needed immersion teachers are graduating from BC PSE institutions; these new teachers are in high demand and are often offered positions before graduating. Lack of space and a lack of qualified teachers are cited as main reasons why school districts cannot expand French immersion programs. The report suggests that young teachers willing to take the time to strengthen their French-language skills will have a wealth of opportunities available to them. Vancouver Sun
