A Major induction – Major W.J. Danny McLeod was happy to go home to deliver a thank you. Article
Governor General Invests 49 Individuals into the Order of Military Merit
His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada presided over an Order of Military Merit investiture ceremony at Rideau Hall, on December 2, 2011. The Governor General, who is chancellor of the Order, will bestowed the honour on three Commanders, eight Officers and 38 Members.
The Order of Military Merit was created in 1972, to recognize meritorious service and devotion to duty by members of the Canadian Forces. The Order has three levels of membership: Commander (C.M.M.), Officer (O.M.M.) and Member (M.M.M.).
We noticed the following Ex cadets on the list. Let us know if we missed anyone.
12286 Rear-Admiral Nigel Stafford Greenwood, C.M.M., C.D. Joint Task Force Pacific Headquarters Victoria, B.C.
This is a promotion within the Order.
13143 Major-General Mark McQuillan, C.M.M., C.D. Canadian Operational Support Command Headquarters Ottawa, Ont.
13551 Major-General Guy Thibault, C.M.M., C.D. Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management) Ottawa, Ont.
M0773 Major James Burton, O.M.M., C.D. 22 Wing Hornell Heights, Ont.
16663 Colonel André Corbould, O.M.M., C.D. 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Edmonton, Alta.
14596 Colonel Dean Milner, O.M.M., C.D.2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signal Squadron Petawawa, Ont.
1 Wing retraces historical steps
By Capt Yvette Grygoryev
Braving chilly winds, and with the soft whisper of maple leaves at their feet, nineteen members of 1 Wing recently followed the paths and trails of their forefathers, as they learned the history of the War of 1812.
The weather in the Niagara region was ideal, as the newly-fallen leaves allowed for a clear view of the vistas surrounding the numerous battlefields and skirmishes between the British North Americans and the Americans.
For Major Jay Medves, who organized the tour for 1 Wing, the benefits of the experience were clear.
“All military operations face common challenges – human, logistical and with execution,” Maj Medves said.
“A clear understanding of the circumstances – strategic, operational, and tactical that influenced the decisions of leadership in the War of 1812 to do what they did, is a way to validate the way we approach similar problem-solving today,” he also said.
“The successful defence of British North America in 1812 was a singular accomplishment in the face of near overwhelming odds. An appreciation and celebration of the feats of the soldiers and sailors of that time should serve as inspiration for us all.”
The tour was led by Major Doctor John Grodzinski, a history professor at the Royal Military College of Canada, in Kingston. Dr. Grodzinski has numerous published articles on the War of 1812, and is a powerful advocate of acknowledging this dramatic time in history, the bi-centennial of which will be in June 2012. He echoes the sense of value in excursion like this one, so member gain an understanding of their military roots.
“Canadians generally know little of the country’s history and in particular the military history of this continent,” said Maj. Grodzinski.
“Several major conflicts, often a part of a larger global struggle, occurred here that helped shape the territory that ultimately became Canada, and which influenced the development of our armed forces, and to a degree our foreign policy,” Grodzinski also said.
According to Maj Grodzinski, the understanding of historical battlefields translates to modern warfare.
“The study of past battles allows us to gain an appreciation of the challenges faced by leaders and soldiers in various circumstances,” Grodzinski said.
“One very quickly realizes that many difficulties that are encountered with modern operations are not altogether new and the past offers us examples of how others dealt with similar circumstances,” he added.
The tour included the most notable sites of clashes occurring between 1812 and 1814 including Fort George, Fort Erie, Chippawa, and Lundy’s Lane. It also introduced the tour group to a host of notable historical figures such as Generals Isaac Brock and Gordon Drummond, Major-General Phineas Riall, Red Jacket and Laura Secord (who had nothing to do with chocolate).
Most of all, the tour reminded all who attended what it’s like to try to do too much with too little, facing insurmountable odds. Still though, the British North Americans eventually changed the tide of Canadian history and laid the groundwork for the great country we know today.
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E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) and 16147 Maj. Brett Stewart (RRMC 1987) co-presented on Military College insignia memorialized in various media (silk, silver, stone, stamps, stained glass, etc.) at the Bytown Militaria Collectors’ Association (BMCA) on Wednesday December 7.
Their talk was based on her ongoing research as a staff writer for e-veritas for which she was awarded the RMC Club President’s Award.
The BMCA meets at the Warrant Officers’ & Sergeants Mess next to the Cartier Square Drill Hall, 2 Queen Elizabeth Driveway in Ottawa, Ontario on the first Wednesday of each month (except Jul and Aug) at 19.30 hrs. A number of BMCA members are either serving or ex-military, or work for DND.
BMCA members share an interest in all things militaria. Maj Stewart brought in his uniforms and militaria for the show-and-tell part of the meeting.
20965 Duncan K. Stewart has been promoted to branch operations manager in the Chesterfield County office of MBP, a construction consulting firm. He joined the firm in 1999 as an engineer. He earned his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Royal Military College of Canada. He is an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Construction Specifications Institute. Source