The General Council on the RMC Clubs of Canada this fall approved a strategic review by appointing a Strategic Review Steering Committee under the interim chairmanship of 4976 Reg Watts. The goal is to take a fresh look at the needs and satisfaction of ex-cadets to determine how programs and services should be designed to ensure a healthy future for the club, with broad participation.
After forming a committee of 12 members from across the country, 9143 Bruce McAlpine joined Reg as co-chair. The SRSC includes representatives from RMCSJ, the Foundation and the National Executive as well as the Club Executive Director, and represents all age groups. The committee is seeking the widest possible input from all levels of graduates from all three colleges, and readers are encouraged to participate in the survey activities that will follow.
A three-phase work-plan was developed and agreed by the SRSC, and launched in September. The phases include a review of Best Practices of other alumni associations, targeted interviews with members and non-members, culminating in a broad member survey. The SRSC plans to provide a report to Council by May, 2012.
A concurrent task crossing the first two phases is the enrichment of the club database commencing December 2011 under the direction of the Executive Director 14356 Michael Rostek with S125 Bill Oliver.
In the coming months, the Team will solicit support from many sources, including Branches, Classes, as well as individuals, and all are encouraged to participate and any contribution to this effort will be welcomed.