VI (27 Dec) & Halifax (28 Dec) Meet & Greets
Goal: Fresh Look To Determine the Needs & Satisfaction of Ex Cadets
Teaching Excellence Award Public Lecture
The Principal and the members of the Class of 1965 would like to invite all members of the RMC community to the Class of 1965 Teaching Excellence Award Public Lecture. This year’s lecture will be given by Dr. Huw Osborne from the English Department, the winner of the Teaching Excellence Award for the last academic year.
The subject of Dr. Osborne’s lecture will be: The Republic of Holborn: The Progressive Bookshop and Literary Culture (1921-1941).
Sponsored by the RMC Club / Foundation
Le titre de la présentation est: La république de Holborn: la culture litéraire et la libraire “Progressive Bookshop” de Charles Lahr (1921-1941).
Commandité par la Fondation du Club des CMR du Canada
The event will be held in Currie Hall on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 1800 hrs/La confrérence aura lieu à la salle Currie mercredi le 11 janvier 2012 à 18h00.
Minister of Veterans Affairs Steven Blaney Honours Peacekeeping Veterans
10588 Wayne MacCulloch
NHL goalie, Alex Auld is the son of 1968 RMC grad 7630 Bob Auld- he was born in Cold Lake while Bob was there in the Air Force.
We get emails:
Hello Bill, people have accused me of being stuck in the past but the article on the PPT disturbed me a bit in that looking at the stats presented indicates a Male 500 is not the same as a Female 500.
I thought the college had weeded out that sexism. The academics are more straight forward. And then the reporter asked the lady cadet how she felt about being beaten by only two cadets who happened to be IVyr? I think the reporter was trying to emphasize the first yr vs fourth year accomplishment but it only emphasized the male/female performance standards difference, for me anyway.
It seems to me like running a co-ed race like the Wing Harriers and after crossing the finish line first, to be told that you didn’t win because someone a few 100m behind you actually won!
In theory, after commissioning, all new officers will be ‘running’ on a level playing field so why not start during college life. Not being female I do not appreciate the concern they may have being assessed by a lower standard.
‘Glad we didn’t have to deal with that back in the early ’70s.
10231 Lorne Facey
Ex Cadet Opportunity / X Country Realtors
A tip of the hat to the following members who just recently updated their Club membership status: Chapeau aux membres suivants qui ont tout récemment mis à jour leur adhésion au Club: 3235 Ronald Mann; 2935 David McPherson; 3853 W Neil Russell; 26073 Evan B Fay – Life.