
“Stone Frigate Military Academy, Eyyyyyyes Right”

3918 Al Roberts (Class of ’57) was a recruit back in 1953/54 when 3334 Dave Wightman was #1 Squadron Leader. On parade Dave would often call out “Stone Frigate Military Academy, Eyyyyyyes Right”. Unfortunately, the terminology, much to the displeasure of certain Commandants and Directors of Cadets, didn’t come into ‘popular’ usage until a bit later.

Many before and present were / are under the mistaken and misguided belief that, “The Stone Boat don’t float”. The enlightened, however, well know that the Stone Frigate is eternal and rides high above the stormy waves of life!

M123 Ian G. McIntyre (’78) UTPM

Ian G. McIntyre was a member of the Canadian Forces for over twenty-six years. Ian joined the Canadian Forces as a technician in 1970. He was accepted into the University Training Program – Non-Commissioned Member (UTPNCM) in 1974 and graduated from Royal Military College in 1978. (More)

12582 Kevin McLeod (‘80)

Kevin McLeod graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada (Kingston) with a degree in Civil Engineering. Upon graduating from University, Kevin joined the Canadian Army as a Military Engineer and served for 28 years. (More)

12607 Brian Read (’80)

Brian Read is President and Owner of Horizon Plastics Co. Ltd., the largest Low Pressure Structural Foam Molder in North America. Brian is a Professional Engineer with a Degree in Engineering and Management from the Royal Military College. He received his commission as a 1st lieutenant in 1980. He was trained in aeronautical engineering by the military. (More)

13671 Jean-Guy Perron, CD (CMR ’83)

Le lieutenant-colonel Perron, CD, est né en 1959 à Earlton, en Ontario. Enrôlé dans les Forces canadiennes en 1978, il a obtenu un baccalauréat ès arts en études militaires et stratégiques du Collège militaire royal de Saint‑Jean en 1983. Sa carrière de fantassin peut se résumer comme suit: 1 R22eR (Allemagne) 1983-86, commandant de peloton d’infanterie et assistant officier des opérations du bataillon; QG FMC (St-Hubert) 1986-87, Aide de camp du commandant de la Force mobile; 1er Commando Régiment aéroporté du Canada (Petawawa) 1987-89, capitaine-adjudant; 3 R22eR (Valcartier) 1989-90, commandant-adjoint de compagnie.(encore plus)

RECENT e-Veritas 212 PARTNER

17962 Rob Dargewitcz (’92)

Dargewitcz Consulting offers a comprehensive suite of financial consulting services for companies looking to achieve their goals and growth aspirations in the Oil & Gas Industry. Whether the organization is in start up mode or a multinational looking to achieve aggressive growth targets our financial consulting services can create a clear path to success. Dargewitcz Consulting’s years of Oil & Gas Industry experience, combined with deep technical expertise, distinguish it for its strategic analysis work. (More)

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