Photos by: 24487 OCdt Dan Fleming
Photo Left: Commodore Bill Truelove was caught a little bit by surprise when Club President, Dave Benoit presented the soon-to-be former Commandant with a gift from the RMC Club of Canada for the outstanding support provided to the Club during his two year tenure at the helm of the College.
Photo Right: Executive Committee & General Council members were joined by RMCC Commandant prior to the formal meetings. (L-R) 15185 Commodore Bill Truelove; 4976 Reg Watts; 19307 Dave Benoit; 8828 Wayne Kendall; S125 Bill Oliver; 15946 Jill Carelton; 7076 John van Haastrecht; M0058 Marc Drolet; M0157 Bryan Righetti; 9889 Bob Benn; S150 Peter Dawe; 5611 Gerry Stowe; 5276 Digger MacDougall; 24712 Brent Fisher. MIA – 4459 Ed Murray; 15988 Jeff Kearns.
RMC Club of Canada Executive Committee & General Council Meetings were held Friday, 27 May at RMCC.
The Senate Chamber in Mackenzie Buiding at RMCC was the site of the Club EC semi-annual meeting and the annual meeting of the GC – who are comprised of Presidents of Branches across the country. A number of delegates participated by conference call.
Club President, 19307 Dave Benoit welcomed – 4459 Ed Murray, M0157 Bryan Righetti, and 15946 Jill Carelton to the Executive Committee. Also: Past President,15988 Jeff Kearns; 1st Vice President, M0058 Marc Drolet; 2nd Vice President, 14559 Steven Gable (conference call); retiring, Executive Director, S150 Peter Dawe; Adjutant Old Brigade, 5611 Gerry Stowe.
Foundation Past President, 7076 John van Haastrecht; Member, 9889 Bob Benn; Member 8120 Bill Gard (conference call); Member, 10263 Don Lovell (conference call); Member, 8828 Wayne Kendall.
Also participating were two of the Group of Five (Past Presidents) – 7943 J. William K. Lye and 10080 Robert T. Booth both by conference call.
Branch Presidents involved were: Toronto, 8034 Michael Gainer; Ottawa, 5276 Digger MacDougall; Edmonton, 21443 Cheng-Hsin Chang (conference call); Kingston, 4976 Reg Watts.
Also on conference call was – Foundation President, 9660 Cameron Diggon. 24712, Brent Fisher was the Recording Secretary; finally, S125 Bill Oliver was in attendance in the role of transitional Executive Director.
The two groups of hard working volunteers both had heavy agendas covering a number of important topics such as: EC Objectives and Work Plan; Nominations for EC and Officers; Honourary Memberships and Honourary Degrees; Report on Operations and Finances -2010 Financial Report (including Draft Audit) -2011 Financial Statements and Budget – Report on Operations; Transition to new ED and the process for hiring a replacement for the retiring Peter Dawe who has held the position for close to ten years.
The deadline for applicants has past. No firm dates have been set for the interview process. Applicants can expect to be notified some time soon.
The next Meeting of the EC – is scheduled for 30 September 2011 at the same location – during Reunion Weekend. The site for combined meeting for May 2012 will be announced in September.