Jamie MacGregor
Jamie ‘Lucky’ MacGregor’s DFC father Lieutenant-colonel John (Jock) MacGregor VC had arranged for him to attend Royal Roads, a newly formed naval academy outside Victoria, where he was to study engineering. Instead, he sailed to Vancouver to enlist on May 26,
1942. He later won the Distinguished Flying Cross and retired in 1968. Jamie MacGregor authored a biography of his father, titled MacGregor, VC: Goodbye Dad: Biography of the Man Who Won More Prestigious Awards for Valour Than Any Other Canadian Soldier,
published in 2002. Lieutenant-colonel John (Jock) MacGregor VC’ took refresher courses at military college, and he served as a lieutenant- colonel with the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Scottish Regiment.
Jamie ‘Lucky’ MacGregor recently completed the manuscript of his autobiography, titled Odd Bod That Beat the Odds, which is to be published posthumously. James Allistair MacGregor died July 24 at his home in Victoria. He was 84. He leaves his third wife, Betty (née Jasper), whom he married in 1982.