
Direct from Panet House – April 2014

Submitted by 13987 Bryan Bailey – Executive Director – RMC Club

Breaking news – Club Memberships just got cheaper!

The Club is extremely pleased to announce that all Club memberships are now fully exempt from all taxes. The Club, as non-profit organization, elected to exempt its membership fees from GST/HST taxation on March 31st, 2014.

The Annual membership rate will remain $70 and is also now tax free.  Here is a summary of the prices for the various pro-rated Life Memberships:

Life Membership Rates


Student Promotion Price


Class of 85 or later


Class of 84 or earlier


Old Brigade Members (Class of 69 or earlier)


Club Membership Campaign – Drive for 10,000

At the beginning of the year, the Club embarked on a membership campaign with an aim of broadening the membership base of the Club. Currently, Club membership currently stands at 6,400 life and 440 annual members worldwide.  While this represents close to 7,000 Club members in good standing, the overall membership rate is approximately one third of its potential.  The Club’s goal is to increase its membership to 10,000 members in less than 10 years.  While this will be a challenge, it is a realistic target and one which would significantly strengthen the fabric of the Club.

Significance of Life Memberships to the Club

One thing that I have discovered is the manner in which the Club invests life membership subscriptions. Unlike annual membership dues which are deposited into the Club’s operations account, all life membership revenue is invested in an endowment like manner under the rubric of Life Membership Investment Fund (LMIF) which is overseen by a dedicated committee. This fund is valued at over 2.3 million dollars and it yields sustainable, annual funding for the Club representing 33% of the Club’s net annual revenue. In December of 2013, the Club invested one million dollars with Canso Investment Counsel in a Lysander mutual fund in an effort to improve the overall return. In summary, life memberships and the LMIF are inextricably linked to the Club’s overall financial health.

Join the Club!

While also offering convenience, life memberships represent a tremendous value at approximately the same cost of 10 annual renewals or less for pro-rated subscriptions. To make the financing easier, the Club offers flexible payment schedules for life memberships on either a monthly or annual basis using credit cards or pay allotments for serving military.  For those of you who are considering a life membership, the timing has never been better now that they are tax free.  For the Classes of 69 and 84, the savings are doubly significant this year. The Club is calling on you to support the drive to 10,000 members and to demonstrate your commitment to the Club, Colleges and Cadets.  See the Club website for details http://www.rmcclub.ca/.



4th Year PMT – RMCC Club

Mercredi le 2 avril 2014, le PMT pour les 4e années était une présentation de la part du Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Bryan Bailey qui expliquait les avantages et l’utilité du Club des CMR du Canada. Comme le journal électronique eVeritas fait partie du Club, l’éditeur M Bill Oliver a aussi dit quelques mots, ainsi que la gérante de la boutique du club, Mme Mary Darlington. Le Club des CMR est une organisation datant de 1884, et a pour but d’aider et de permettre certains avantages à ses membres. Certains avantages comme mentionné par monsieur Bailey inclut: des rabais dans la boutique du CMRC, des assurances à bon prix venant de la banque TD, une affiliation à une organisation qui cherche à vous aider, des rabais sur l’achat d’une épée de votre élément et pour votre bague de graduation, le réseautage avec d’autres Anciens membres des collèges, de l’aide lors de la retraite, et ce parmi tant d’autres atouts. Le prix pour devenir membre à vie pour les étudiants du CMRC est de 660$. Il s’agit ici d’un prix raisonnable pour avoir des avantages qui vous sont garanties pour le restant de votre vie. D’ailleurs, comme l’a dit monsieur Bailey lorsqu’il parlait d’individus joignant le club à l’âge de 30-40ans: « Plusieurs me disent dit qu’il aurait été sage de s’être abonné au club plus tôt ».

25630 Élof (IV) Jacques-Alexandre Gadoury – Esc 6
