Spy agency CSEC needs MPs’ oversight, ex-director says
In a rare interview, 6508 John Adams told CBC’s Greg Weston he thinks the government must do more “to make Canadians more knowledgeable about what the intelligence agencies are trying to do on their behalf.”
H7860 Romeo Dallaire, former UN commander who witnessed Rwanda genocide, pleads for action on PTSD
“I had nothing left. I was actually attempting to be suicidal and I was putting the mission at risk,”
Retired astronaut Chris Hadfield lands professor post at Ontario university
The University of Waterloo says H13738 Chris Hadfield’s first task on campus will be assisting research into why some astronauts get fainting spells when they return to Earth — knowledge it says will also be useful for elderly people prone to falling.
RCAF “Rescue 912” crew wins 2013 Cormorant Trophy and Prince Philip Helicopter Rescue Award
Captain 24013 Jonathon Groten (first officer) of Kingston, Ontario.
Army Commander issues statement addressing troops returning from Afghanistan
The Commander of the Canadian Army, 12966 Lieutenant-General Marquis Hainse, issued the following statement: HERE