Before a large crowd of spectators and invited guests, the last graduating class of “Air Navigators”, comprised of three members each from the Canadian and Portuguese Air Forces received their navigator’s wings from 11330 MGen Angus W Watt (CMR ’77), Chief of the Air Staff. With rapid technological advancements and the introduction into the Air Force of new equipment, the actual role of the air navigator has evolved far beyond the traditional tasks associated with navigating an aircraft. So much so that beginning in January 2009, air navigators will be re-named as Air Combat Systems Officers (ACSO) — a moniker that more accurately reflects their current and future roles. “The contributions made by navigators to the defence of our nation, the wings you now wear proudly upon your uniform, and the traditions established will be carried on by ACSO’s,” said LGen Watt, “It is only the name Air Navigator that will cease to be used by the Air Force.” At the end of the graduation ceremony, navigator 18239 Major David Proteau (CMR ’92) said that he was “proud to have been an Air Navigator but was looking forward to becoming an ACSO and exploring the many opportunities the occupation has to offer.”
Tough Economic Times
As the world reacts to the economic challenges so too must we all look at how we can make a difference. From the continuing bad news about the financial stresses on markets, governments of all levels and most
importantly the people of each and every community, we have to find the best path through the maze to ensure our futures.
We have all been impacted in one way or another. Not one individual in our community has or will be unaffected by the economic situation. However, Kingston is and will continue to be a city that has a unique
strength and will to meet every challenge head on. We are known for our volunteerism, philanthropic, and charitable nature towards our community and region. Now more than ever we need to stick together to ensure we all as a community work through the times ahead so that we are best placed to take advantage of the good times that will come again. Investing in ourselves, our community and giving within the community is now a key component to sustaining our livelihoods and quality of life. I ask everyone to reach out to neighbours, friends and families when and where you can or are able to get us through the recession that is
coming. This is not something new to any of us…helping each other.
Buying local, supporting local endeavours, being involved in local events and activities will all go a long way to help our community to move forward positively. The strength we will all gain from working together in partnerships will bring long lasting relationships and understanding. I am confident that with everyones best efforts that Kingston can and will be one of the better placed communities to ride through the economic storm. We simply have to find the common ground, work together for the people of our community, and be involved not only in community activities but in the services and support networks in the community.
Let us never forget that we have to actively listen to each other, understand the message and find the common piece that we can build upon to keep each other strong, healthy and able to build a positive future
for ourselves and the City of Kingston as a whole.
14444 Capt (ret`d) Dorothy A Hector (RMC ’84)
City of Kingston, Councillor Lakeside District
14872 Pierre Lemieux (CMR RMC ’85)
Député/ Member of Parliament
Glengarry-Prescott-Russell Friday, November 23, 2007
Pierre Lemieux encourages soldiers’ families and friends to take advantage of free postage for mail to soldiers:
“Our troops in Afghanistan know that we support them, particularly if they receive mail from us.”
– Pierre Lemieux, MP
Ottawa – As of October 26, Canada Post is offering free delivery of letters and packages from family and friends to Canadian troops deployed abroad, until early 2009.
Seeing this as a worthwhile program, the Member for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Pierre Lemieux, stated: “As a former soldier, I know how important it is to have the support of loved ones during missions, especially around the holidays. The value of correspondence with our soldiers should not be underestimated, since words of encouragement from their family and friends mean so much to them. Our troops in Afghanistan know that we support them, particularly if they receive mail from us. ”
This offer is available to the family and friends of the men and women serving in the operational zones of Afghanistan, Bosnia Herzegovina, the Sinai, Jerusalem, and on Canadian ships.
The letters and parcels need to be sent from a Canada Post post-office. Letters and packages dropped in regular street letter boxes will not qualify for free delivery. Mr. Lemieux has also offered his four riding offices as a drop-off location for these letters. All mail must be addressed to a specific soldier, including rank and the mission on which he is serving.
“This is a very positive initiative and I hope everyone in Glengarry-Prescott-Russell who has a loved one currently serving abroad will take advantage of this service offered by Canada Post. I urge them to do so,” concluded Mr. Lemieux.
The Late Colonel Karen Ritchie – Tribute
Debates of the Senate (Hansard) 1st Session, 40th Parliament, Volume 145, Issue 6 Thursday, November 27, 2008
Hon. Lucie Pépin: Honourable senators, Colonel Karen Ritchie died as the result of an automobile accident on October 13, 2008. At that time, she was commander of 5 Area Support Group in Quebec. She was 45 years old. The Canadian Forces and Canada have lost a devoted officer, a woman and leader who had much to offer.
I had the pleasure of meeting Colonel Ritchie on several occasions. Each time I was impressed by her vitality. She was an extraordinarily tough woman who was also deeply human. She served Canada for 28 years at various levels. Karen Ritchie entered the Royal Military College in Kingston at the age of 17. She was the first female graduate of the college to reach the rank of colonel. She dreamed of becoming a pilot but the regulations did not permit women to enter that profession. She joined the army where she found her way and specialized in electrical and mechanical engineering. She was promoted to captain in 1988. Transferred to Germany, she served as a support officer, platoon commander and maintenance officer. When she returned to Canada in 1991, she served with the Land Force Command Headquarters G4 Staff. She was subsequently assigned to Gagetown.
After earning a master’s degree in logistics, she was promoted to the rank of major. She was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel in 2000. In 2002 she was deployed to the Persian Gulf as Deputy Commanding Officer of the Operation Apollo National Support Unit. She returned to Canada and assumed command of Area Support Unit Toronto. In 2003, she was re-assigned to G4, Land Force Central Area Headquarters and was responsible for the logistical support of all Army elements in Ontario. She was promoted to the rank of colonel in June 2004 and, as I mentioned earlier, was the first female colonel. Colonel Ritchie managed several projects at Headquarters in Ottawa.
Gender integration in the armed forces was very important to Colonel Ritchie. Her experience in the Canadian Forces showed her that women could aspire without reserve to the same positions as men. To that end, she participated in the advancement of the gender integration program of the Canadian Forces and was a member of a NATO committee that looked at the issue of gender equality. Colonel Ritchie was a role model for female soldiers and also for members of the Girl Guides of Canada, who she helped become leaders in their communities. Colonel Ritchie was taken from us prematurely, but she will be remembered forever by all Canadians who knew her.
From Air Cadets to Afghanistan
23245 Captain Gina Lee Decarie (nee Snyder)
Canada loses navy great
2399 Rear Admiral William Landymore OBE, CD
Top commander plays down combat milestone
What they represent, collectively, is military professionalism and a willingness to sacrifice
14378 Brigadier-General Denis Thompson